Maryin root

Maryin root is a perennial herb plant growing in Siberia, in the southeast of the European part of the country, in Central Asia, mainly in forests, on the fringes. Also this plant, belonging to the number of rare and endangered species and blooming with large bright pink flowers, is grown as a decorative plant. Roots, rhizomes and grass peon evasion is long considered a curative raw material and used for medicinal and preventive purposes.

Composition and medicinal properties of the maria root

The following substances were found in the chemical composition of the plant:

Preparations made on the basis of the marjin root, can have such an effect on the body:

Tincture from the mariy root

In the pharmacy you can buy alcohol tincture based on the peony evasive, but it is also possible to prepare such medication yourself at home. Tincture on vodka based on the marjin root is prepared as follows:

  1. Dig a few plants together with the roots (it is better to do this in the spring, at the beginning of the flowering period).
  2. Cut off all the leaves, clean the roots thoroughly from the soil.
  3. Crushed raw material pour vodka from the calculation of 50 g of fresh plant for 0.5 liters of vodka.
  4. Put in a dark place infused by periodically shaking up the dishes with tincture.
  5. After two weeks tincture strain through gauze, rearranged in the refrigerator for storage.
  6. Standard dosage tincture - a tablespoon three times a day.

Treatment with a marigold root

Indications for the use of the tincture of the marie root are various diseases, among which:

Application of the maria root in alcoholism

This plant is successfully used for the treatment of alcoholism, and its effect is based on a gradual decrease in cravings for alcoholic beverages. But for this purpose, use a decoction of the marina root, which can be added unnoticed to tea, compote, liquid dishes to a dependent person.

The broth is prepared in this way:

Maryin root in oncology

Tincture of the deviant peony is used as an auxiliary for uterine cancer and other types of cancer in women. To this end, the medicine is taken one teaspoon three times a day for half an hour before meals for a month. After ten days, the treatment course is repeated.

Contraindications maria root

With care, preparations based on this plant should be used when: