Pain in the groin in pregnancy

During the gestation of the baby, the future mother faces many situations that cause discomfort and pain. The latter occurs quite often, and can have different localizations. Let's talk about a phenomenon such as pain in the groin arising during pregnancy, try to find out: when this is the norm, and in what cases can indicate a collapse.

Because of what does the groin hurt during pregnancy?

First of all, it is necessary to name the natural causes of the development of such a phenomenon, i.e. which are directly related to the process of gestation. These include the omission of the head at a later date, an increase in the tone of the uterus. It is he who leads in the uneven stretching of the ligament apparatus, which fastens the genital organ to the bones of the small pelvis. This fact is an explanation of the fact that the ligaments in the groin hurt during the current pregnancy.

However, pain in this area can be provoked by compression of the sciatic nerve. In this case, seizures are noted directly during movement, turning the body, while sitting.

When there is a deficiency in the body of a woman's calcium during pregnancy, sore and bones in the groin. The probability of development of such a violation as symphysitis is great, - an increase in the distance between the pubic bones of the pelvis. With such a violation, a woman is worried about periodic back pain, hip area, there is a sharp pain when the legs are splayed apart.

What other causes can cause this symptomatology?

Quite often, women at the last stage of pregnancy are hurt directly by the muscles of the groin, and while the woman feels weak, discomfort, painful sensations. They are related to the preparation of the organism for delivery.

It is worth noting that the causes that caused this symptomatology can also indicate diseases. Among them:

In order to determine exactly what caused soreness in a particular case, doctors conduct a comprehensive examination.