Mushrooms during pregnancy

Mushrooms are an incredibly tasty and nutritious product that many adults and children like. Are not an exception and pregnant women. However, mushroom dishes can be too heavy for the human body, and in some cases, their excessive use can cause a disruption in the liver.

In this article we will tell you whether it is possible to eat mushrooms during pregnancy in the early and late periods, or to enjoy this product better after the end of this difficult period.

Can I eat mushrooms during pregnancy?

Of course, with the use of mushrooms it is better to wait a little. Meanwhile, if the future mother simply can not cope with their desires, mushroom dishes in reasonable quantities can be eaten and in an "interesting" position.

Mushrooms during the whole waiting period of the child should be selected especially carefully. If you can not collect them yourself or are poorly versed in edible and poisonous mushrooms, you can buy them in the store. Acquiring mushrooms in the market is not worth it, as they can be collected within the city and contain a huge amount of harmful substances.

It is best to give preference to champignons during pregnancy. These fungi are rich in amino acids, which are necessary for the fetus to properly form tissues and cells. In addition, champignons are digested much faster than other mushrooms, so they do not load the digestive tract of a future mother.

Also, without fearing for your health, you can eat honey agarics, oyster mushrooms and butter. These species absorb the minimum amount of harmful substances and are practically not capable of harming the body. Contrary to popular belief, it is better to refuse from porcini mushrooms during pregnancy, since they often cause heaviness in the stomach and other digestive disorders, which leads to an increase in the tone of the uterus. This pathology, in turn, in an early period causes a threat of interruption, and in later cases - fetal hypoxia and premature delivery.

Why can not you eat salt and pickled mushrooms during pregnancy?

During the preparation of various preparations, the fungi do not undergo the necessary heat treatment, so it is better to refuse them for the time of bearing the baby and its feeding by mother's milk. Future mums can eat mushrooms quite rarely and only those that are cooked as follows:

  1. Firstly, the mushrooms must be thoroughly washed and cleaned, then poured with water.
  2. Put on a plate, bring to a boil and hold in boiling water for about 5 minutes.
  3. Further this water should be drained, again pour the mushrooms with clean cold water, bring to a boil and cook for half an hour.
  4. Only after such preliminary preparation, mushrooms of any kind can be fried, baked or added to broth.