How does the pregnant exchange look like?

Long before the moment when the pregnant woman becomes registered and will receive an exchange card, the question often arises as to how she looks. Nominal this document is the main one until the baby's birth.

What information is in the exchange card?

This document, as a rule, is issued in the women's consultation, when the pregnant woman becomes registered, i.e. in most cases at 12 weeks of pregnancy. In some cases, a card may be issued earlier.

In this document, the doctor makes information on how the pregnancy is developing and how the fetus develops.

What is an exchange card?

If we talk about how the exchange card looks, in most cases it is a small booklet or booklet, where the doctor makes all the necessary information.

In the CIS countries, the appearance of the map is similar. More often than not, it has 3 components, or as they are also called -talons.

So, the first coupon card of the pregnant woman, according to the established pattern, is called the information of the female consultation about the pregnant woman, and contains information about the state of health of the future mother. Here there are results of the performed analyzes, ultrasound, CTG, the conclusions of the doctors who conducted the examination of the pregnant woman.

2 coupon contains information that the maternity hospital provides about the pregnant woman. It is filled after the woman has entered the maternity hospital. This part of the exchange card includes information on how the childbirth process took place, the postpartum period. This coupon is passed to the doctor in the women's consultation, and then pasted into the medication of the young mother.

3 part of the exchange card, contains information from the maternity home about the newborn. Typically, it includes an Apgar scoring scale, a child's health, weight, height, etc. In some cases, when the pregnant woman comes urgently, for example, if the birth began on the street, the woman arrives without an exchange card and this information is introduced only after the woman provides it.

Why do I need an exchange card?

Many pregnant women think about why an exchange card is needed at all and whether it is possible to do without it.

The thing is that this document is simply necessary, because it contains all the information about the pregnant woman, and her illnesses and violations. This allows doctors not to waste time on diagnosis, if suddenly a pregnant woman has been admitted with an exacerbation of any chronic disease, and also take into account the data of the conducted studies.