Pregnancy during lactation

Although among women there is an erroneous opinion that during breastfeeding a baby it is impossible to conceive, in fact, this is completely wrong. After birth in a young mother, ovulation resumes even before the arrival of the first menstruation, so the chances of a re-pregnancy occur.

At the same time, it is extremely difficult to guess about the conception that has occurred, so many women for a long time do not even suspect that they are again in an "interesting" position. In this article, we will tell you which signs allow you to identify pregnancy in breastfeeding without monthly, and what complications can arise in this situation.

Signs of pregnancy during lactation

Pregnancy during lactation allows you to suspect the following symptoms:

In the presence of such symptoms when lactating a woman is recommended to conduct a pregnancy test and on receipt of a positive result, immediately consult a gynecologist.

Possible complications of pregnancy during lactation

According to most doctors, the advent of a new pregnancy during lactation for a woman is extremely undesirable. This is due to the fact that the young mother's body has not yet fully recovered from the birth process and, moreover, he needs a huge amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the production of breast milk.

A new pregnancy that occurs with lactation may be accompanied by complications such as:

It is for these reasons that young mothers should not forget about the need for contraception, even during lactation.