Feijoa during pregnancy - useful properties and contraindications to exotic berries

Exotic berry feijoa is a small fruit. In its taste, it resembles a mixture of kiwi, pineapple and strawberry. Has a dark green color. The length can reach 5-7 cm. The shape is elongated. Consider the fruit, we will dwell in detail on the use of feijoa during pregnancy, its positive and negative qualities.

Feijoa - chemical composition and nutritional value

The fruit is very rich in content by all kinds of chemical and organic compounds. For this he has a prevalence. Excellent preserves its quality, is not perishable, so you can meet everywhere. Given this information, doctors recommend using feijoa, the composition and calorie content of which, perfectly enrich the diet. The fruit contains:

Feijoa - chemical composition

Fruits include almost the entire table of elements. Recommended nutrition for nutrition nutritionists, for a long time can tell about the benefits of feijoa, the composition of which is as follows:

In addition to these, it is necessary to note such compounds as catechins, organic sugars, pectin substances, fiber. These components support the correct and uninterrupted functioning of the systems and organs of the female body. Especially important is the moment in the period of gestation, when the expectant mother often experiences, is in constant tension.

Feijoa - vitamin composition

Vitamins are an indispensable component. In order to replenish their volume in the body, pregnant women often use synthetic complexes - they drink tablets. This option is acceptable, but much more useful - natural substances, especially during gestation. Enriching their diet with micronutrients, the expectant mother should pay attention to feijoa, the composition of vitamins which looks like this:

Is it possible to feijoa during pregnancy?

Because of the ban on a large number of products in the process of bearing a child, the woman wonders as to whether it is possible to eat feijoa during pregnancy. Doctors give him an affirmative answer. Berry has a weak allergen. The development of the body's reaction to its use is virtually impossible. But in rare cases, this is noted.

To avoid negative consequences, a woman should introduce feijoa during pregnancy gradually. Especially this applies to those women who have not tried anything similar before. After washing thoroughly, cut off a small slice, eat the flesh. After watching for several hours, in the absence of itching, redness of the skin, rash, you can gradually increase the amount of berries in the diet. With regard to the use of feijoa during pregnancy, how many pieces a day you can eat, doctors allow 1-2 berries, no more than 1 time per week.

Feijoa when planning pregnancy

It is worth noting that some women from personal experience argue that this fruit contributed to early fertilization. In fact, this is possible. Physicians explain this fact by a rich, diverse composition. Especially a lot of iodine. Feijoa for conception can be used by those girls who have problems with the endocrine system.

Failures of hormonal balance are a common cause of prolonged absence of pregnancy. In such cases, it is necessary to establish precisely the factor that led to the development of the situation. Only an integrated approach, the right treatment, will become a mother. In this case, the girl herself must strictly follow the received medical instructions, recommendations.

Feijoa - useful properties and contraindications in pregnancy

Any product that has even great utility, with incorrect, unregulated use, can cause negative consequences. The use of feijoa during pregnancy, the benefits and harms of which are not comparable, can occasionally cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, before using it for food, it is necessary to consult with doctors that they are watching gestation. Only they know all the nuances about which the pregnant woman, for understandable reasons, is not informed.

Refers to his condition while waiting for the birth of a child to be with great care. A pregnant woman should not only abandon the previously harmful habits, but also revise her diet. This is likely to exclude the appearance of such disorders as constipation, meteorism, which is not uncommon during gestation.

The use of feijoa for pregnant women

Having told about the fruit as a whole, it is necessary to identify and understand what positive aspects can be noted when eating it as food by future mothers. Pointing out what is useful for feijoa for pregnant women, it is necessary to name:

  1. High content of iodine. By the amount of this microelement, the berries are comparable with the products of the sea. Especially useful to women who have problems with the thyroid gland.
  2. Leukoanthicins, catechins - the strongest antioxidants. Establish metabolic processes in the body, are preventive means against diseases of the viral etiology. Using feijoa during pregnancy, a woman protects herself.
  3. Essential oils have a pronounced antibacterial and antifungal effect.
  4. Iron interferes with the development of anemia, which, due to the increased stress on the cardiovascular system, is frequent in pregnant women. Feijoa during current pregnancy increases hemoglobin to normal values.
  5. A large number of vitamins B, positively affects the work of the nervous system. Experiences, stresses occur less often, nervousness, excitement decreases.

Given these data, feijoa for pregnant women can be an excellent, balanced product. Using it, you can not only have a snack, but also get useful microelements that are necessary for the future baby. Replacing their stock in the body, my mother helps to feel better not only to herself, but also to her young child. The fetus is formed and grows correctly.

Feijoa during pregnancy - contraindications

Use fruit in this period is acceptable. However, it is worth considering that, like other products during the gestation period, it is necessary to eat with caution and feijoa, the harm from which is possible under certain circumstances. According to medical observations, eating feijoa during pregnancy is prohibited when: