How to knock down the temperature during pregnancy?

The future mother knows how important it is to protect herself from colds and flu while waiting for the baby, since infection is always a risk to the baby, especially in the first trimester. However, it is rare when a pregnant woman can save herself from a disease, especially during the off-season, when the body is actively preparing for new climatic conditions, and he is especially vulnerable to colds. If you are still sick, then first of all you need to pay attention to how to lower the temperature during pregnancy, because it is the temperature that carries the main threat to the fetus.

Is the temperature dangerous during pregnancy?

High temperature, as a rule, is a sign of a viral infection. It is dangerous as the infection itself, which can penetrate the fetus through the placenta, and the rise in temperature. At the same time, a short-term increase in temperature to 38 ° C is not considered a threat. Danger of prolonged fever and higher numbers, because the body can begin to contract important for the development of the fetus proteins. That is why the treatment of temperature during pregnancy should begin immediately.

Medications for fever for pregnant women

Any medicines during pregnancy should be taken with caution, and many are generally prohibited. In terms of funds that knock down the temperature, this is especially true for any medicine that contains aspirin. The medicine for fever during pregnancy is exclusively paracetamol and all its derivatives. However, before taking even regular paracetamol necessarily consult with your doctor. He will prescribe the optimal dosage and will consult on its compatibility with other medicines. The fact is that in high doses or with repeated admission paracetamol loads the liver. This means that tablets from temperature for pregnant women can do no less harm than the temperature itself.

As for vitamins, first of all, shock doses of vitamin C, this remedy for temperature during pregnancy should also be prescribed by a doctor. An excess of synthetically produced vitamins can harm pregnancy, for example, vitamin C in later terms accelerates the aging of the placenta.

How else to lower the temperature in a pregnant woman?

At a temperature you can and should take not only tablets, but also use folk remedies. If a pregnant woman has symptoms of intoxication - an ache in the body, a headache and a general broken condition - you need to drink as much fluids as possible. Water, tea, fruit drinks, compotes - all this will help to remove toxins from the body. What can a pregnant woman from the temperature? There are fruits, wipe off with warm water (only not vodka or vinegar). You can not wrap yourself up and overheat, this can only worsen your condition. Some experts on the question of what to take pregnant women at a temperature, they allow the use of homeopathic preparations, which are mostly resolved during pregnancy.

Of course, every woman should know about how to treat the temperature during pregnancy. However, the future mother should also remember the fact that an ordinary cold or even an uncomplicated flu can pass without affecting the baby. Moreover, the rise in temperature itself to 37.3-37.5 ° C without signs of infection in itself can be caused by the action of the hormone progesterone, and is naturally observed in the early stages of pregnancy. However, if you are sure that this is a cold, the main thing is to take timely measures and make every effort to a quick recovery.

It is necessary to consult with a doctor if symptoms of the disease appear - to tell how to knock down the temperature in a pregnant woman can only be a qualified specialist. Especially if the temperature does not get off by traditional means.