Trimester of pregnancy by week

It is common knowledge that a woman carries a baby for 9 months, or approximately 280 days. In obstetric practice, the division of pregnancy into trimesters is accepted. How many trimesters are in pregnancy? There are three in all, and in each trimester the expectant mother and her baby are expected to enjoy pleasant changes and serious dangers. For the convenience of monitoring the pregnant woman, doctors use the pregnancy calendar for trimesters, and the trimester of pregnancy is painted weekly.

First trimester of pregnancy: 1-12 weeks

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the so-called pregnancy symptoms manifest themselves: the absence of another menstruation, early toxicosis, etc. It is during this period that all the vital systems of the child are laid, so it is so important to know how long the first trimester of pregnancy lasts, what dangers lie in wait for the mother and baby. Consider the first trimester of pregnancy by week.

Your baby grows:

You are changing: approximately on the 6th week of pregnancy there are signs of toxicosis: morning sickness and vomiting. The chest swells and becomes sensitive, you are increasingly visiting the toilet - the growing uterus presses on the bladder. You quickly get tired, sleep a lot, often get irritated and cry. This is normal - your body is rebuilt "in a pregnant way."

Important! The first trimester doctors consider the most dangerous for the baby: any failure, infection, lack of vitamins or imbalance of hormones in the body of the mother can lead to miscarriage. Critical for the child are 3-4 weeks of pregnancy (when the implantation of the fetal egg in the uterus) and 8-12 weeks (during this period, the "hormonal storm" in the pregnant woman is especially strong).

Second trimester of pregnancy: 13-27 weeks

This time is considered the easiest and most pleasant period of pregnancy: the toxicosis has receded, the tummy is just starting to grow, the tearful mood of the first weeks has been replaced by a joyful expectation, I want to do a thousand things. It is in the second trimester that women really blossom.

Your baby is growing and very fast! If at the beginning of the second trimester, its height is about 10 cm and the weight is 30 g, then by the end of this period (27 weeks) the child on average weighs about 1.2 kg with an increase of 35 cm! In addition, you can already determine the sex of the baby. The skeleton is completely formed, the muscular system and the brain develop. The baby moves a lot, and at the age of 18-22 mom can already feel the first stirring.

You change: your tummy becomes more and more noticeable. Now is the time to get a "pregnant" wardrobe, and the doctor will advise wearing a bandage (from 20-22 weeks). The only thing that can mar your beautiful period is pain in the back or hip joints.

Important! At this stage, you can identify genetic abnormalities and severe malformations of the fetus, so if you are at risk, be sure to go through the "triple test".

Third trimester of pregnancy: 28-40 weeks

This is the last trimester of pregnancy, the most difficult for a future mother: weight and body proportions have changed so much that it is already difficult to walk, sleep and even breathe. In addition, the woman is overcome by fears, she again becomes emotional and irritable.

Your baby grows: all its organs are formed. The child already hears, does respiratory movements, distinguishes taste. The head is covered with hairs, and the body - with lubricant, which will help to pass through the birth canal.

You change: the uterus continues to grow, and it's already hard for you to breathe. There may be false bouts - the uterus begins preparing for childbirth. You again quickly get tired, often run to the toilet, do not sleep well.

Important! At the 28-32 week of pregnancy, signs of late toxicosis may appear: swelling, increased blood pressure, rapid weight gain, protein in the urine.