Sexual lips during pregnancy

It's no secret that during the gestation of a baby the body of a woman undergoes numerous changes. Most of them, of course, relate directly to the reproductive system and the organs entering it. So, the changes during pregnancy are also affected by the woman's labia.

What happens to the labia during pregnancy?

The first change, noticed in most cases by the pregnant woman herself, concerns first of all the fact that the color of the labia in pregnancy became darker. Often they acquire a cyanotic shade. This can happen just 10-12 days from the moment of conception.

However, the most disturbing changes in the labia during pregnancy are usually observed in the middle of the term or the second half of the gestational period. In this case, women often notice the appearance of itching, discomfort, tingling. This is caused, above all, by the fact that the amount of blood coming to the external genital organs increases significantly. In this case, both large and small labia become slightly swollen and softened, which in turn increases their elasticity. This is necessary for normal delivery and exclusion of birth injuries. Therefore, the swelling of the labia during pregnancy is a completely physiological process.

What changes in the labia can speak of a violation during pregnancy?

Having told about how the labia look during pregnancy, it must be said that some kind of changes in their appearance, size, may indicate a violation.

So, for example, in the late term, when the fetus begins to strongly press on the blood vessels of the small pelvis, there may be a violation of the blood circulation process. This often leads to swelling of the labia. In itself, this situation does not pose a threat to the health of the future mother. However, monitoring of a pregnant woman with such a violation is simply necessary. The thing is that against the background of the edema, varicose can develop , in which prominent veins are clearly visible on the labia. Similar changes in the labia during pregnancy require a doctor's examination. As a rule, treatment involves an increase in motor activity, which helps to avoid blood stagnation.