Pregnancy 9 weeks - development of the fetus

Has exhausted a toxicosis, all time it would be desirable to sleep, and the unjustified outbreaks of aggression enter surrounding in perplexity - most likely the term of your pregnancy makes 9 weeks. This is how a pregnant woman feels at the beginning of the third month.

But not everything is so sad, because while the future mother tries to "manfully" survive hormonal reorganization, and her baby is actively growing and developing.

On the achievements of the child and the features of his development at the 9th week of pregnancy, we'll talk about this article.

Fetal development at the 9th week of pregnancy

As a rule, at the 3rd month of pregnancy, there are no doubts about her interesting position in women. Of course, external changes are not yet visible, but other characteristics have reached the highest point of manifestation. As for crumbs, he is experiencing a period of formation of vital mechanisms. At this stage, the cerebellum, the pituitary gland, the lymph nodes, the middle layer of the adrenal glands are formed. Now the size of the baby is 2-3 cm in length, and it weighs only 2 grams. In addition, at the 9th week of development, the child continues to form:

However, in addition to internal transformations, at the 9th week of the development of the fetus its appearance changes to a great extent: