Unusual eyes of David Bowie

The famous American rock singer of British descent died at the age of 69 in January 2016. For a long eighteen months he struggled with an oncological tumor that struck his liver, but without success. During the illness, David Bowie had to go through several heart attacks that aggravated the situation. January 8, he celebrated his birthday with his family. On the same day, there was a release of his new and, as it turned out, the last album of Blackstar. The main musical composition with the same name entered the top ten of the US chart.

His visiting card was a constant change of image - each time the musician appeared on the stage in a new image. But he had another interesting feature - David Bowie's eyes were of different colors . At first, even ardent fans of the rock artist believed that this is part of the fashion image. Only at the beginning of the two thousand years, David Bowie admitted that this is not a glass eye, but the result of a childhood trauma.

An eye for an eye

Performing classical rock compositions, David Bowie successfully combined the canons of this musical direction with his own innovative ideas. His characteristic voice and intellectual depth of the compositions created made him famous throughout the world. But in appearance, the most memorable feature was the different eyes that David Bowie never hid under the glasses. The singer considered this a manifestation of his own individuality. Probably, it is for this reason that he gave the name Blackstar to his last album.

About what color eyes David Bowie, not once wrote and his fans, and journalists of the world's leading publications. The singer's right eye was blue, and the left one was practically black. This state of the eye in medicine is called anisocoria. In fact, the iris has the same color, but because of the constantly widened pupil, which does not narrow or expand at varying degrees of illumination, it appears that the eye is completely black. Why did it happen that David Bowie has different eyes?

It is known that anisocoria can be congenital and acquired. Since the birth, David Bowie's eye color has been blue. For the sake of justice it is worth noting that he remained as such until the death of the singer, but the narrow blue iris was almost invisible because of the dilated black pupil. Eye disease David Bowie acquired at the age of fifteen, and the cause of her was love. The future rock singer and his friend George Underwood fell in love with one girl. As a teenager, David did not find a more suitable way than meanness. Learning that his friend had a date with the girl, he told him that she could not come to the meeting. Of course, George himself did not come. The girl who waited for the guy for several hours, took offense at Underwood and broke off relations with him. After learning about Bowie's tricks, Underwood decided to deal with him like a man, having started a fight. The trauma of the eye, which David Bowie received quite deservedly, was very serious. The fact is that his former friend wore a large ring, which pleased David in the eye. In addition, the iris of the left eye was injured and the opponent's nail. As a result of damage to the left eyeball and the development of muscle paralysis, his appearance acquired mysterious features. It was not possible to restore the functions of the left eye to the singer.

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About the incident in his teens, David Bowie shared with the public only in old age. To this he was prompted by writer Mark Spitz, who created a new biography of a popular rock artist.