Cyst on the thyroid gland - is it dangerous?

On a preventive or routine examination with an endocrinologist, a cyst on the thyroid gland is often found - is it dangerous and what are the complications of such a neoplasm, not every patient knows. Experts argue that the predictions for such tumors are very favorable, especially if timely detection and adequate therapy.

Is the cyst of the thyroid gland dangerous?

The benign seal described is a small capsule, the cavity of which is filled with colloidal liquid contents.

The formation of cystic tumors in the thyroid gland is mainly affected by women, which is explained by the instability of their hormonal background , its frequent fluctuations.

Endocrinologists note that the problem under consideration is completely harmless, since such neoplasms are not inclined to transform into malignant pathologies. However, the real threat is the root causes of cyst growth - acute or chronic thyroid disease, among which:

Consequences of having a cyst in the thyroid gland

If you start the therapy of a benign tumor in time or remove it, there will be no complications. In the absence of necessary treatment and in neglected cases, there are such consequences of having a left or right cyst of the thyroid gland: