Chronic duodenitis

Do you know that the main digestion of food does not occur in the stomach at all, but in the small intestine? And the whole process begins with the duodenum. But because of the irregular intake of food, love for the acute, fatty and dry-nosed, the health of our intestines suffers. Can develop gastritis, cholecystitis, or chronic duodenitis, the symptoms and treatment of which and talk today.

Chronic duodenitis - symptoms

It should be noted that chronic duodenitis does not immediately begin. First, an acute form of the disease develops, which, with proper treatment, can be quickly eliminated. But if treatment of acute duodenitis was poorly performed, or the patient showed negligence in relation to the doctor's recommendations, then chronic duodenitis develops, manifested by the following symptoms:

In addition, many patients complain of high fatigue, general weakness, headaches and heart pain.

It should be noted that chronic duodenitis, as a rule, is combined with chronic gastritis due to direct contact of the stomach and duodenum with each other.

Chronic duodenitis - treatment

Treatment of chronic duodenitis is carried out simultaneously and medicines, and folk remedies. During periods of exacerbation, it is carried out in a hospital and depends on the underlying cause that caused exacerbation and the disease as a whole. In the presence of parasitic flora, antibacterial agents are prescribed. When finding an infection type Helico bacterium use antibiotics. If the acidity the stomach is raised, it is necessary to appoint antacids. And also anti-inflammatory, enveloping and soothing drugs. Of the herbs most often used chamomile and yarrow. And in cases where duodenitis is caused by adhesions and obstruction, resort to surgical intervention.

Chronic duodenitis - diet

In the treatment of chronic duodenitis an important place is given to a diet. From the diet, especially during the period of exacerbation, all the acute, fatty, salty, do not drink soda, coffee, alcohol is strictly forbidden. The main dishes are soups puree, dairy cereals, milk, kefir, skimmed sour cream and cottage cheese, boiled fish and meat, wiped fruits and vegetables. Also, you should drink up to 2 liters of plain water per day, you can consume black or green tea and natural fruit juices.

Here, perhaps, and all about how to treat chronic duodenitis. Take care of your health, and be happy.