Preparations of iron for children

One of the most common questions at the pediatrician's reception is the question: "And what is our hemoglobin? Anemia is not? ". And it's not surprising that this is so worried about Mom. After all, low hemoglobin suggests that the body lacks oxygen. How come, because the lungs breathe? - you think. Why then does the body "starve"?

Let's imagine an enterprise that produces, say, milk. Well, or bread. It does not matter. And the delivery service at this enterprise works intermittently. So it turns out that there is nobody to deliver the necessary products to us.

Also with oxygen. In order to "ride" through the body, he needs a "carrier". And here he is "attached" to the hemoglobin-transport and sent to saturate all our cells. And if hemoglobin is not enough, then in our body begins oxygen starvation - anemia.

Most often anemia develops due to iron deficiency in the child's body, which is a building material for the production of hemoglobin. The iron enters the body with food and its absorption takes place in the intestine. Just do not think that if the food is saturated with iron, then in the body it will get enough. Unfortunately, from the daily diet of 10-25 mg of iron, only 1-3 mg are digested. The amount of digestible iron depends on how we use it.

Products for children with iron deficiency

The best iron is absorbed from meat. Preference should be given to red varieties: beef, lamb, horse meat. In avian meat, iron is also there, but in a smaller volume. Try to combine meat dishes with vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin C (broccoli, sweet peppers, kiwi, tomato) and trace elements such as manganese, copper and cobalt (liver, prunes, spinach, beets). In such combinations, iron will be better absorbed.

Products containing iron for children under one year

In accordance with the recommendations of your pediatrician, enter in the diet of your child egg yolk, buckwheat, peaches, apricots, dried apricots, apples, pears and spinach.

And do not forget to observe the regime of the day, a baby with anemia is harmful to overwork!

The iron norm in children

In children from 6 months to 5 years, the norm of hemoglobin varies on average from 110 to 140 grams per liter. If this level is less, the doctor will prescribe you a cure and advise you to follow a diet.

And if you do not treat iron deficiency anemia?

Sometimes mummies treat this disease too lightly, naively believing that it will pass by itself. Do not make such a mistake. With reduced hemoglobin, the immunity of the child decreases, and this can lead to various infectious diseases. From The lack of iron disturbs the neuropsychic and physical development of the child. Sometimes there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Remember that your child's health is in your hands.

Preparations of iron for children

Medical products that provide the body of the child with iron, a lot: actiferrin, tardiferron, ferrum lek, haemophore and others. Dosage and application rules should be discussed with the pediatrician. Do not forget that many drugs color your teeth in yellow, so you should choose a pill or give the child a remedy with a pipette, avoiding getting on the teeth.