Ointment for lichen for children

Lishay can surprise any family, in which there are young children who love street cats and dogs.

But do not panic immediately. Lishay is quite easy to treat. With due attention, most likely, you will be able to overcome an unpleasant illness in 3 - 4 weeks.

What ointment for treatment depriving children is most effective? There is no unambiguous answer to this question. In order for the treatment to harm the baby and bring early results - hurry to the dermatologist. A competent specialist will help you make the right choice, depending on the type of lichen.

Than to deprive the child of lichen?

For the treatment of children, preparations based on natural components - sulfur, tar, salicylic acid, are predominantly used. These ointments have an antiseptic, antimicrobial effect.

But if the disease is in neglected form, the use of antifungal drugs will be required. In some cases, an additional intake of antibiotics. Often in treatment use:

  1. Sulfuric ointment. Sulfur is an excellent antiseptic, which will relieve inflammation.
  2. Serno-tar ointment from lichen for children will soothe the itch. Tar has no side effects.
  3. Serno-salicylic. Will help with extensive mycosis due to anti-inflammatory and disinfectant nature.
  4. Oksolinovaya ointment. Cope with shingles and squamous lishy.
  5. Antifungal drugs ( Lamisil , Terbiks, Exoderyl, Microsectin, Miconazole, etc.). Ointments have a wide range of action against most of the most common lichen species. But, at the same time, have a number of side effects - burning, itching and irritation in the application area. Therefore, before starting treatment, apply ointment on a small area of ​​the skin. If in two hours the child will not have allergic manifestations - you can safely proceed to treatment.
  6. Ointments with an antibiotic (Oletetrin). Will help to destroy pathogens.

Ointment against lichen for children will help to remove itching, inflammation and lead to the death of pathogenic microorganisms. But it is also very important to do all the prescribed procedures on a regular basis and follow the doctor's recommendations.

In order to consolidate the result, change and iron things of the child more often. Change the bed linen daily. It is very good to do a wet cleaning in the baby's room. Remove soft toys and more often process all toys of the child during treatment. A little patience and perseverance - and your child's skin will again shine with health!