Cough in a child 3 years - than to treat?

For many diseases, including colds, cough is one of the symptoms. His appearance causes concern among caring parents. In an effort to help the baby, moms are interested in what to cure a cough in a child of 3 years. There are a number of medications that can help in the problem, but it is so difficult to decide on your own. Therefore, you should contact the doctor so that he can determine what caused the cough. But anyway, it is useful for every mother to know the information about medicines that are aimed at fighting this symptom.

Drugs for cough for children in 3 years

The doctor prescribes drugs, based on the diagnosis, the course of the disease:

  1. Antitussives. They are aimed at suppressing the cough center. Such medications are recommended for a hysterical cough that often occurs in whooping cough or pleurisy. In childhood, the use of Sinecoda is possible.
  2. Mucolytics. They help liquefy sputum, with their help in a child at 3 years of dry cough turns into a wet cough. Well-proven means such as Lazolvan, Flavamed, Bromhexin. It is important to remember that it is impossible to give mucolytics and antitussive drugs at the same time.
  3. Combined funds. They have a comprehensive impact on the problem. For example, Kodelak differs antitussive effect, due to the content of codeine. Herbs in its composition help to increase the sputum production.
  4. With a productive cough, the doctor will advise expectorants. Their effectiveness proved Prospan, Gedelix, Ambroxol.

Other ways to eliminate cough

Some parents do not want to give babies medication. They are more interested in what to treat a cough in a child in 3 years without using medicines. To cope with the problem will help such advice:

To the child in 3 years such folk remedies for coughing will suit:

  1. Syrup from orange. The remedy will help with dry cough, besides its plus is that the baby will not refuse to drink a delicious medicine. You need to cook the syrup from a glass of sugar and water (0.5 cup). Then add the orange cut into slices with the peel there. The mixture is cooked for 30 minutes. Of the finished syrup, lobules are extracted, they need to be thrown away. The agent should be given crumbs every 2 hours for 1 tsp.
  2. The medicine is made from onions. For its preparation, a small onion is poured with a glass of milk and boiled for 5 minutes. Ready to boil it is necessary to insist and strain. Instead of onions, you can use garlic.
  3. Means with sage. In 1 tart of milk, add 1 tsp. this dry grass and boil. Then you need to insist 15 minutes, strain, add a spoonful of honey.

But it is better to apply the methods of folk methods to the doctor, besides, in a number of cases, you should not avoid taking medication. The doctor will be able to answer all the questions in detail, and also will tell you what to give the child from a cough in 3 years. He will choose an effective and safe treatment regimen.