Stomatitis in children - symptoms, causes, treatment of the disease

Stomatitis in children is very common. It can be caused by improper oral hygiene, injuring objects, taking certain medications, and getting sick. The main symptoms: fever, sores, cracks on the surface of the lips, pustules on the mucous membrane or plaque white on the tongue. You should treat the disease only as directed by your doctor.

Types of stomatitis in children

This disease can manifest itself as an independent, or as a symptom of another ailment. To treat stomatitis in the tongue of a child or in the throat, you should know its type:

With further therapy it will be necessary to repulse directly from its variety. Stomatitis in the child's throat (as in the tongue, cheeks) requires compulsory medical advice. He will be able to determine the cause of the disease and will prescribe step-by-step treatment. As a rule, it consists in eliminating the pathogenic factor and alleviating the symptoms (for example, using analgesic gels).

Herpetic stomatitis in children

The baby is provoked by the herpes virus. When there are micro-traumas in the oral cavity, and the immune system is weak, the infection enters the tissues and begins herpetic stomatitis. The initial signals of the development of the disease include mild reddening on the mucous membrane and swelling, scratches, and then a burning sensation and the appearance of bad breath.

Your child becomes irritable, starts to cry often, because the wounds in the mouth interfere with the habitual use of food. At some stages, discomfort appears even when talking. The general condition can worsen, and the lymph nodes may become inflamed. If the doctor has found out that there is a herpetic stomatitis in children, treatment must necessarily include measures to increase immunity. On the advice of a doctor, you can take immunostimulating, antihistamines.

Candidiasis of stomatitis in children

The causative agent of this type is yeast fungi of the genus Candida. Children up to a year I can catch a virus from a dummy, and school children - from a dirty thing or unwashed hands. The reason lies in reduced immunity and not fully formed microflora of the oral cavity. Stomatitis in children of this type has specific symptoms, according to which it is easy to determine its fungal nature:

When candidal stomatitis is found in children, treatment should be entrusted to the doctor. Following the recommendations of the doctor, you will soon facilitate the course of the disease for the baby, and after - and completely relieve him of a painful ailment. Home healing of the child is possible only with the permission of the medic, when the form of stomatitis is not complicated and allows not using special preparations, but resorting to improvised means.

Aphthous stomatitis in children

Provocators of this type are considered irritants, bacteria and viruses, which caused a negative reaction of the immune system. If the baby has had infectious infections, then this type of disease is the consequence of a "stroke" on immunity. Aphthous stomatitis in children, whose treatment is reduced to eliminating symptoms and increasing immunity, has the following symptoms:

Causes of stomatitis in children

The cause for the appearance of sores in the oral cavity is often the effect of antibiotics or pre-existing ailments (influenza, measles). Often you can find stomatitis in children, the causes of which are associated with weak immunity, an allergic reaction to drugs or Candida fungus. The trigger for the virus can be a mechanical wound to the mucosa: the resulting wound when it strikes or falls, biting the inside of the cheek and lip.

Mom is worried about the question: is the stomatitis contagious in children? "Pick up" the bacterial appearance is difficult, it is born through the fault of staphylococci and streptococci: they, after falling into the wound, can cause any form of the disease. The aft type is provoked by untreated teeth and lack of vitamin A, B and C in the baby's body, therefore this species also does not pose a danger to others.

As for other forms, they can still be transferred. Fungal type is often found in infants, "infected" they can from the breast of a nursing mother. The cause is wounded in the mouth of the crumbs, poor hygiene of the breast and nipples of the wet nurse. Viral stomatitis in children "passes" by airborne droplets, during a conversation, you can catch it with the help of a toy on which there are microbes.

Stomatitis in children - symptoms

Understanding how the children's stomatitis looks like, you will be able to immediately start the fight, thereby saving your child from the painful transfer of the disease. His appearance can be verified on his own: when the child opens his mouth, slightly pull his lower lip and look at the condition of the oral cavity. Symptoms of stomatitis in the child will be immediately noticeable:

How to cure stomatitis in a child?

If you have found stomatitis in children in the mouth, treatment should not be postponed, because the wound can become bigger and cause painful sensations. There is an ailment of various forms, this determines the type of medication used. Asking the question, how quickly to cure stomatitis in a child, it is necessary to understand that drugs that fight this disease in adults are not always resolved by children.

How to treat stomatitis in children in the mouth?

The first aid for stomatitis in a child is the definition of a factor that provokes infection. First of all, the source is destroyed: the allergy to drugs - remove the allergen, a mechanical trauma - get rid of the thing that the child was injured, the fungal virus - sterilize the objects that are in the mouth of the baby soda solution. Remember the toilet of the breast and nipples, if you are a nursing mother.

Preparations and drugs to cure stomatitis in children, there are different composition and direction of action. On the advice of a doctor, you can take immunostimulating, antihistamines, antiviral, healing remedies. Having learned the type of disease, you will be able to find drugs that relieve specifically from it:

  1. Viral - antiviral ointments with acyclovir (Acic, Virolex, Gerpevir).
  2. Candidiasis - antifungal drugs (ointments Kandizol, Candid, Clotrimazole).
  3. Aphthous - antiallergenic, antipyretic, antiviral drugs (Miramistin, Holisal), aqueous solution of methylene blue, special nutrition, abundant drink, oral hygiene.
  4. The traumatic and bacterial type of the virus is an antiseptic against stomatitis in the mouth in children: Holisal gel, Actovegin (for children up to 2 years old at the first appearance), spray Hexoral, Tantum Verde, Orascept (in the second form).
  5. Herpes - antiviral drugs (cream florenal, tebrofenovy), mouth rinsing, antiseptic treatment. To accelerate the healing of affected areas, use a spray or ointment from stomatitis for children (Tantum Verde, Ingalipt, Proposol).
  6. Fungal form - antiherpetic, antifungal drugs (Nizoral, Diflucan, ointment from "Gedeon Richter").

Antibiotics for stomatitis in children are used in extreme cases. Treatment, as a rule, is made by local antiseptics, quickly relieving from itching and pain. In the application of strong means, a disease that takes on a severe form or arises from the malaise of internal organs and systems is needed. In such a case, use tablets, ointments or injectable solutions (Lincomycin, Penicillin, Gentamicin) with antibiotics in their composition (they help with coccoid infection, but are ineffective in viral or fungal infections).

Treatment of the oral cavity includes a variety of means, but one of them has proven itself as the best in the fight against the nails. Vinylinum is a stomatitis gel for children, which has a bacteriostatic and antimicrobial effect. The drug has a positive effect on the mucosa and heals existing wounds, because its use will make it easier for the child to flow the disease.

Using Vinilin with stomatitis in children, you will ease the course of illness in your child. The peculiarities of the effect of balm on the virus make it possible to apply this effective and multifunctional means:

Stomatitis in children - treatment at home

The topic "what to do if a child has stomatitis" can rise more than once. If it is a relapse or a simple form, then it is allowed to carry out treatment at home. Infectious stomatitis in children is influenced by folk methods: rinsing the oral cavity with peroxide, diluted with water, with cabbage juice or carrots, applying raw potatoes to the inflamed area.

Wipe the mucous solution of soda: rub the gauze on the finger, dip into the mixture and wipe the inner surface of the mouth. Herbal decoctions will be no less effective: use infusion of chamomile (babies are recommended to calendula) or strong tea (green) for rinsing. Apply honey if the baby does not suffer from allergies: apply it to the sores as soon as they appear. Peach, rose hips and flax oil is used after rinsing with soda, this will speed up the regeneration of the skin.

Prevention of stomatitis in children

By resorting to simple recipes, you will be able to protect the child from the appearance of the virus in the oral cavity. These methods are simple:

Preventative actions should not be ignored, as they are aimed at preventing various infectious stimuli from entering the mucosa. Little babies should explain the harm from getting into the mouth of a microbe from toys, pens or dirty hands. Help with the steps of personal hygiene, and the older children tell about her need for life.