Hair loss - the most frequent causes and effective treatment

The thinned locks and scraps of strands remaining on the comb are a serious aesthetic problem, especially for women. It can be solved only after finding out the true causes of the pathology, therefore, before the start of therapy, it is necessary to visit a trichologist.

Why do hair fall out?

There are two forms of the process under consideration - pathological and physiological (norm). The first type of alopecia is classified as follows depending on the cause of hair loss:

  1. Androgenic (androgenetic) alopecia. It arises against the background of the disruptive action of the hormone dihydrotestosterone for the follicles.
  2. Scar alopecia. It develops due to irreversible changes in bulbs, their overgrowing and replacement of normal skin with a connective tissue.
  3. Diffuse or symptomatic hair loss. It is provoked by a variety of factors, internal diseases and external adverse conditions.
  4. Focal or nesting alopecia. It occurs because of the hostility of one's own immune system.

The rate of hair loss per day

The natural thinning of the locks characterizes the end of the life cycle of some bulbs and the beginning of the functioning of others. Physiological loss is 60-100 hair per day, it is necessary for regular renewal of the scalp cover. If the actual figure exceeds the given values, there is a strong loss of hair. To check, you need to pull a strand of medium thickness. Loss of 1-3 hair rods is normal, more - pathology. Loins during testing should be dry and combed.

Diffuse hair loss

This type of baldness looks like a uniform thinning of the strands over the entire surface of the skin. The failure of the cycles of follicle activity is severely impaired. Diffuse alopecia can be provoked by such causes:

Sometimes hair loss is caused by the use of pharmacological agents:

Focal hair loss

This form of baldness is also called a nest, round or oval bald patches of different diameters are formed. The follicles and bulbs are damaged so much that even the roots die. Focal alopecia is a little-known and rare phenomenon, the exact causes of which have not yet been discovered. It is assumed that hair loss on the body and head occurs against the background of an atypical reaction of the immune system to the keratinized cells. As a result of autoaggression, 25% of people suffering from nested hair loss have defects in nail plates.

How to stop hair loss?

In order to cope with alopecia, it is necessary to establish the factors that caused it, and to eliminate them. To do this, you need to visit a trichologist who will perform instrumental and laboratory studies and recommend what to do with hair loss. If the source of the pathology consists in the progression of endocrine, immune, infectious and other diseases, consultation of the appropriate doctors will be required.

Diagnostic methods for fallout:

Hair loss - treatment at home

If the cause of alopecia is known and a comprehensive course of therapy is prescribed, you can further accelerate recovery by using self-supporting procedures. Slow down hair loss and improve the condition of the scalp is recommended in such ways:

  1. Limit or completely exclude the use of products for styling, curling, staining.
  2. Less dry hair with a hairdryer, wind and straighten.
  3. Do not do tight hair.
  4. Do regular head massage .
  5. Get enough sleep in a well ventilated room.
  6. To walk outside.
  7. It is good to eat.
  8. Avoid temperature fluctuations.
  9. Apply organic cosmetics.
  10. Refuse from addictions.

A good physiotherapeutic tool for hair loss in the home - darsonvalization. You can buy a portable device for treating the scalp microcurrents and daily conduct medical procedures. They help improve blood circulation, deliver oxygen and nutrient compounds to the bulbs, activate the "sleeping" follicles.

Tablets from hair loss

Basic therapy - hormonal, antibacterial and other medicines intended to eliminate the causes of alopecia, is prescribed by a doctor. In addition, you can choose an auxiliary medicine for hair loss, which improves the nutrition of the roots and strengthens them:

These tablets will not stop hair loss immediately. They help reduce the concentration and production of dihydrotestosterone, strengthen the roots and activate bulbs. These drugs are effective only with prolonged reception at the same time with the use of local medicines and properly selected hygienic cosmetics.

Shampoo for hair loss

In baldness, cleansing of the scalp and strands should be careful, but gentle. It is desirable that the detergent product does not contain silicones, sodium sulfates and parabens. Shampoo against hair loss should increase blood circulation in the epidermis, saturate the roots with vitamins. These requirements are met by the following names:

Ampoules for hair loss

The described dosage form is a complex of plant extracts, antioxidants, organic oils and other compounds in high concentration. With hair loss, these drugs produce several beneficial effects:

Good solutions against hair loss in ampoules:

Spray from hair loss

Spray fluids on curls and scalp are considered auxiliary, not therapeutic agents. It is advisable to use them in parallel with potent drugs as intensive care products. Such solutions only temporarily suspend hair loss - treatment should be aimed at combating the cause of alopecia.

Quality sprays:

Lotion from hair loss

The considered form of release of solutions for baldness therapy is used during a scalp massage. Rubbing the lotion helps to slow down hair loss, strengthen bulbs and restore the core structure. Such liquids take care of the locks and activate the follicles that are in the "rest" phase. Lotions are often prescribed as part of a comprehensive treatment course.

From hair loss helps a lot of solutions:

What vitamins drink when hair loss?

Provide bulbs and roots with adequate nutrition can be, if the delivery of nutrients will be carried out from the inside. Any external effective means of hair loss will start to work faster against the background of taking dietary supplements. Such preparations include not only valuable chemical compounds, but also plant extracts, minerals, acids.

Effective vitamins against hair loss:

Folk remedies for hair loss

Home remedies are ineffective in alopecia, but they can be used to maintain local immunity of the scalp, additional moisturizing and root feeding. Natural anti-hair loss remedies are available and easy to use. To achieve positive results, they must be included in a comprehensive therapeutic system.

Masks for hair loss

Before starting treatment, you need to draw up a schedule for the use of folk remedies. Their effectiveness depends on the regularity, duration and frequency of use. Masks against hair loss at home are applied for 2 months (minimum) daily or every 48 hours. These products include products that irritate and warm up the epidermis. The most effective onion mask for hair against hair loss, especially in combination with other similar substances.

Prescription of medicinal composition


Preparation, use

Clean the vegetable, let it through a meat grinder or grind it with a blender. Juice and gruel mix with egg and liquid, slightly warmed, honey. Mass carefully rubbed into the roots of the curls, put on the cellophane cap for half an hour. Wash the strands with baby shampoo in cool water. If there is no honey and eggs, you can use only onion gruel or juice from it.

Oil from hair loss

Valuable fats are considered to be a valuable source of vitamins and other useful ingredients for healing ringlets. They can be included in the composition of therapeutic masks and lotions or used as an independent remedy for hair loss. Oils are recommended only for dry or flaky scalp. If the activity of the sebaceous glands is increased, it is better to choose drying medicinal preparations.

Very popular is cosmetic burdock oil against hair loss, but there are several other vegetable fats that promote deep nutrition of follicles:

The listed oils can be taken as a basis for medicinal mixtures from different types of deposition and enrich them with ethers (2 drops per 1 tablespoon base):

Essential concentrated oils not only help stop hair thinning, but also produce additional positive effects:

How to prevent hair loss?

The tendency to alopecia is better to begin to be treated in advance, before the onset of severe baldness, especially if there are similar cases in the history or prerequisites for its development. The best remedy for hair loss is timely and correct prevention of pathology, which consists in following the recommendations:

  1. Provide curls for sparing and balanced care, intensive make-up and constant moisturizing.
  2. To monitor the full value of the diet.
  3. Avoid any emotional overload and stress.
  4. Take vitamin-mineral complexes or biologically active supplements regularly.
  5. To pass analyzes and pass laboratory researches for scheduled check of a condition of a skin of a head and follicles.
  6. Do not abuse aggressive styling, chemical wave, straightening and staining.
  7. Monitor hormonal balance.
  8. Thoroughly clean the epidermis, preventing fungal, viral and bacterial infections.
  9. Prefer organic or home hygiene cosmetics.
  10. Do not buy a cure for hair loss yourself with the early symptoms of alopecia, just make an appointment with the trichologist.