Brown discharge at week 8 of pregnancy

As you know, during the gestation of the baby, the discharge, having a bloody character, should be completely absent. Normally, during pregnancy, there may be mild, clear, less often whitish discharge, which have a slightly sour smell. Any change in color, volume or consistency should alert the woman. Therefore, with the appearance of brown secretions at week 8 of pregnancy, the expectant mother must necessarily inform the doctor and consult him for advice. Let's take a more detailed look at this phenomenon and name the possible causes of such a symptomatology.

What can brown discharge on the 8th week of pregnancy?

First and foremost in a woman who has treated such a symptom, doctors try to exclude such complications as spontaneous abortion. In such cases, concomitant symptoms are drawing pains in the lower third of the abdomen, the appearance of weakness, headache, dizziness. Also it is necessary to say that over time, the volume of discharged blood only increases, which requires urgent hospitalization.

The second factor explaining small, rare brown discharges at week 8 of pregnancy, may be diseases of the reproductive organs that occurred before the onset of gestation. So, in particular, such symptoms can give erosion on the cervix. In order to identify them, it is enough to visit a gynecologist. As a rule, no specific treatment of this kind does not require a violation, however, at each visit to the doctor during pregnancy, these women are examined in a gynecological chair.

In what other cases can there be a brown discharge when a baby is born?

It is worth noting that such symptoms can indicate such complications as:

However, in such cases, the appearance of brown secretions is observed much earlier, approximately at the 5th week of pregnancy.

At later dates, brown discharge may indicate a placental abruption, which also requires monitoring of the pregnant woman.