Pregnancy 13-14 weeks

The 13-14 week is a definite milestone in the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy - the most critical and dangerous period - the first trimester - was completed. Behind were the toxicosis and fears of women, the foundations of all the systems and organs of the future baby are already laid. Pregnancy has passed into the most tranquil phase, when a woman can relax and enjoy her "special" position.

Fetal development at 13-14 weeks of gestation

At this time, the future man from the embryo stage passes into the stage of the fetus (therefore abortion is not done at this time).

The baby already has a swallowing reflex. It can distinguish different tastes. If the mother eats something sour or bitter, the swallowing movements of the fetus become slower, the baby reacts to sweet food, on the contrary, by the swallowing of swallowing. A kid can already not only distinguish tastes, but also remember them.

There is an improvement in the child's vocal apparatus. The range of his mimic activity widens - the baby can already shift the brows, frown and squint, depending on the action of certain stimuli. Acquires the sensitivity of the skin of a baby, which is covered by a layer of protective thick grease during the pregnancy period of 13-14 weeks of pregnancy. Since there are plenty of places in the uterus cavity at this time, the motor activity of the fetus is activated, although Mom does not feel this yet.

The genital organs of the fetus have formed, its sex has already been determined, but despite this, it is difficult to accurately determine it on ultrasound at 13-14 weeks of pregnancy.

On the head of the child, the first hairs are already visible, on the body appears a fluff (lanugo), which will disappear before the birth of the baby. The auricles of babies take their rightful place, the marigolds are fully formed. Periodically, the fetus can already empty its bladder, and its heart pumps about 20 liters of blood per day.

The length of the baby by this date is 16 cm, while it weighs about 135 g.

Sensations of a woman

The emotional state of the expectant mother is stabilizing, but certain physiological changes associated with the lack of individual substances in the body can cloud the good mood. Because of deficiency of ascorbic acid, bleeding of the gums may increase and general immunity may decrease. The lack of vitamin A affects the condition of the hair, nails and skin. But, if you fully eat and take multivitamin complexes, then these troubles can be avoided.

At 13-14 weeks the stomach is already becoming noticeable. On it appears a characteristic dark stripe, going down from the navel. But do not be concerned about this - it's temporary pigmentation, which will take place after the birth.

Also, a woman may have pain in the lower back and headaches. Back pain is associated with a gradual increase in the weight of the future mother, which leads to a certain displacement of the center of gravity. Perhaps the appearance and blunt pain in the lower abdomen, which arise from the stretching of ligaments supporting the uterus. If the pains are permanent or sudden and have a cramping character, this indicates hypertension of the uterus and the need for urgent medical attention.

During this period, the woman should continue to be alert and pay attention to the nature of secretions from the genital tract. In norm they should be light, homogeneous and moderate. If bleeding occurs on the period of 13-14 weeks, this indicates the onset of a miscarriage. In this case, urgent intervention of specialists is required to prevent premature termination of pregnancy.