Detachment of the fetal egg

Unfortunately, the sad outcome of pregnancy does not always depend on the woman, but only on the reaction of her body to the "puzozhitelya" that has appeared. This is the case with the diagnosis of "detachment of the fetal egg." This decision is increasingly heard in the offices of the women's consultation. Do not confuse this definition with a low-attached fetal egg, as these are completely different things. The latter gives a greater chance to the child to survive, perhaps only a change in the way of management of pregnancy or delivery.

What does detachment of the fetal egg mean?

The embryonic chamber begins to tear away from the chorion, which is called the placenta at the initial stages of gestation. As a result of this process, the vessels that feed the fetus are damaged, the wound is formed, and blood begins to accumulate behind the fetal membrane and a hematoma appears. It can constantly grow, provoking an even greater detachment of the fetal egg, resulting in intrauterine, antenatal fetal death . However, such an outcome, as a rule, is observed in the absence of timely and adequate treatment.

Causes of detachment of the fetal egg

Each such case is strictly individual, and there is no clear definition of what exactly provokes the detachment of the embryonic chamber. Indirect factors affecting this phenomenon can be:

The most common answer to the question of why the detachment of the fetal egg occurs is precisely the hypertension of the muscles of the walls of the uterus. Therefore, it is so important to maintain poise and calm during pregnancy and take the necessary drugs that reduce stress.

Symptoms of detachment of the fetal egg

There is no way to envisage such a process, which obliges a pregnant woman at risk to listen to the reactions of her body very carefully. One of the clearest signs of detachment of the fetal egg is the discharge of blood from the genital tract. If they are brownish, then the hematoma begins to decrease, but its reappearance is not ruled out. Also, the rejection of the fetal egg is indicated by pains in the lower part of the abdomen, which are of a persistent and prolonged nature.

Therapeutic measures

As a rule, the treatment of detachment of the fetal egg is reduced to constant medical control, which obliges the pregnant woman to stay in the hospital for the maintenance of pregnancy . True, a woman may well issue a written waiver of hospitalization and be treated at home.

Partial detachment of the fetal egg implies complete rest, lack of physical activity, emotional upheavals and so on. Mom should avoid sexual relations, adhere to a diet for normal functioning of the intestines and have a lot of rest. A small detachment of the fetal egg requires the intake of antispasmodics, hemostatic drugs, vitamins, hormones and sedatives. All these measures are aimed at preserving the life of the baby and should be observed at least 2 weeks from the date of appointment of treatment.

Consequences of detachment of the fetal egg

Correct and timely treatment gives a real opportunity to give birth to a healthy and healthy baby. However, often the detachment of the fetal egg and miscarriage become inseparable concepts, since there is no normal nutrition of the fetus and placental insufficiency appears. In this case, the mother, together with the doctor, determines the further outcome of the gestation, which may imply a chance to save the fetus or purge.

Such a pathology of pregnancy as a detachment of the fetal egg becomes a frequent phenomenon in modern conditions, which can be explained by the deteriorating quality of life from the point of view of health.