How many heals the navel of a newborn?

Absolutely all without an exception young mummies face a question on when the navel falls away at newborns. All this is told on the courses of young mothers, then again reminds a nurse. In this article, we'll look at the most frequently asked questions about this.

When does the navel fall off in newborns?

First, we'll figure out what the healing process is. After birth, the baby's cord is cut and tightly bandaged. The first few days of life the baby spends with a knot on his tummy.

On what day does the navel fall off? This can happen on the third or fifth day, sometimes this period lasts up to ten days. At this point there is, though not a big, but quite a deep wound. It can become an "open gate" for infection. Within a few days the navel can bleed. Normally, about two or three weeks of life, the question should be decided by itself. If the bleeding does not stop after ten days, contact your doctor.

Some moms are worried about what to do after the navel falls off. Or rather, how to deal with the part that has disappeared. Here everything is individual. Some are left to the memory along with the first hair, the rest is simply thrown away.

Poorly heals the navel of a newborn

To begin with it is necessary to understand how to understand that the navel has healed. Pay attention to the color of the skin: it should not differ from the skin of the child as a whole. Absence of purulent discharge or Elevated temperatures also indicate successful healing.

How many heals the navel of a newborn, depends on the quality of care for it. The following factors can be the reasons for prolonged healing: