Jellied pie with minced meat

Filler for jellied baking can be almost all of the contents of your refrigerator, which is why this simple recipe is so loved and claimed among eaters. Supplement of recipes from this material will be minced meat.

Jellied pie with mince on yogurt

In addition to the chicken, the basis of the recipe for this pie is sweet corn. The last, in a season, it is possible to cut directly from an ear, and in a cold to use the canned product.



Part of the oil is allowed for the lubrication of the mold, and on the remainders, sprinkle pieces of onions and garlic with chicken minced meat. Combine the fried chicken with corn kernels and refrigerate the filling. While the constituent bases are cooling down, prepare the dough for pouring. For the dough, whisk a mixture of eggs with kefir and flour, add grated cheese and a pinch of sea salt. Mix the corn and minced meat with the dough, then shift everything into a mold and sprinkle the crumbs on top. The filling cake with minced meat should be prepared at 185 degrees 35 minutes.

Jellied pie with roasted minced meat


For the test:

For filling:


Connect all the components of the test. To prepare the filling, save pieces of onions and celery with melted butter, lay out the minced meat and fry it until it turns brown. Transfer the filling into the prepared form and fill it with a batter, then place everything in a preheated oven for 200 minutes for 15 minutes.

Cooking pie with cabbage and minced meat



Boiled cauliflower finely chop. Stuff brown and lightly cool, then combine it with paprika and cabbage. Prepare the dough from beaten eggs and flour. Stir the dough and stuffing, put everything in the mold and put it to prepare for 40 minutes at 185 degrees.

You can make a stuffing pie with minced meat in a multivarquet, use "Baking" mode for cooking and time - 50 minutes. Ready to cut the cake only after cooling.