How to dress a newborn in the summer for a walk?

The transition of spring in the summer involves changing the wardrobe not only in the parents, but also in the children. A difficult choice is faced by mothers who need to know how to dress a newborn in the summer for a walk, especially when there is still no experience as such.

What things to choose for a summer walk?

The main criterion by which to select all the things a baby is is their naturalness. Artificial threads in the fabric can only be present in the outer clothing, and then in a small amount.

Depending on the region of residence, you need to proceed from the choice of things for a walk. If you do not know how to dress a newborn in the summer for the first walk, then proceed from your feelings and intuition.

On a baby in warm weather (up to 28 ° C) there should be clothes for one layer more than for mom, for example body and sliders with a blouse. Suit-slip, or as it is called "little man", is the most optimal option for non-humid days.

When the column of the thermometer creeps upwards and hot heat comes, it is completely useless to wear costumes for a baby. It will be enough to have a light body and socks. By the way, socks, even thin, should be present in the wardrobe of the baby even in the summer. After all, the thermoregulation system is not yet perfect for him and limbs can freeze even in hot weather.

Do I need to wear a hat for a newborn in the summer?

When you go for a walk with a baby and windy weather outside, a light cap will not hurt. The same goes for rain and all other natural phenomena.

But in the usual sunny and warm weather, the hat has absolutely nothing to it. Some mummies put on a newborn baby's hat even indoors, fearing that they will be cheated by ears. But this can not happen on the street in normal weather, much less in the room. The ears of the child function in the same way as in an adult who does not want to put on a hat in the summer heat, well, except that the cap from the sun.

Not everyone knows how to properly dress a newborn in the summer on the street, when there is a suffocating heat and a bright sun shines. In such weather, or more precisely, in the daytime, when the sun is very active and unsafe, it is better to walk from walks, because even in light clothing, a baby can have a heat stroke, but if you have to go, the baby will be best in one diaper, and from the sun can be covered with a light diaper.

What should I take for a walk?

In order that the whims of nature are not taken by surprise, for the baby there must always be a set of necessary things in the wheelchair in case of bad weather:

If the baby does not walk in a stroller, but in a sling, then it will be enough to put on him only a diaper and a light bodysuit. That the small head is not baked by the sun, a convenient bandana will be required.