The baby is 2 months old. How to develop a baby in 2 months, sleep and nutrition

Two-month-old children are not the same as they were a couple of weeks ago. The child at 2 months is very sociable, reacts to various auditory and visual stimuli and spends more time contemplating the surrounding situation. He grew up, learned some movements and clearly distinguishes the voice of mom and a stranger.

Height and weight of the baby in 2 months

Karapuzy third month of life is not at all small, because they grow rapidly, so that even yesterday's blouses with panties quickly become small. During this time they stretch out to three or four centimeters and get better by about eight hundred grams. Girls and boys are developing differently. According to WHO, the weight of a child in 2 months varies:

The standards of Russian pediatricians are slightly different. According to their data, children of both sexes should have a minimum body weight of 4.2 kg, and a maximum of:

The growth of a child in 2 months also varies, depending on gender:

The chest and crumb head increase directly proportional to height and weight. Parents should be careful if they suddenly notice a discrepancy between these parameters. If the head is much larger than the volume of the breast and is different from the table norms for this age - this is an occasion to examine a child from a neurologist. Perhaps this deviation in development, but more often - just an individual feature.

Child's day regimen in 2 months

No hard schedule for a baby two months old can not be, because he barely ended the period of newborn and the period of adaptation to new conditions is not over. The baby is still getting used to the new surroundings and should not have rigid frames. The regime of the day of a two-month-old baby is built by the mother gradually, responding to the wishes and needs of the baby, to his inner biorhythms.

Given all the features of the baby, which the mother had already noticed, there is an approximate schedule for the daily routine:

How much does the baby sleep in 2 months?

Any babe - a unique person and his schedule can be very different from another baby of the same age. Young mothers are most concerned about the baby's dream in 2 months. Although official medical sources say that the children of this age group peacefully snuffle in their cribs for most of the day (about eighteen hours), in practice it turns out that this is not the case.

Approximate mode of the baby in 2 months provides up to 8 episodes of sleep throughout the day. Do not think that the crumb will clearly follow the schedule and calmly rest, while the nursing woman is engaged in household chores. In practice, everything is different. In the indicated number of sleep periods, the state of half-dormancy in a woman under the breast is included, a deep sleep for 2-3 hours and a short rest for 30-40 minutes.

The reasons for shallow sleep in a child at 2 months are several and most of the factors that prevent the baby from fully rest, parents can exclude. Often the reasons are:

How long does the baby stay awake at 2 months?

Children of this age group can not sleep about six hours a day. At this time they are supposed to eat, enjoy the massage and warm water in the bath. As practice shows, this is a very conventional figure, and the child often cries more than 2 months later than he wants to play. This is also normal, because little babies are easily overexcited, and then long can not stabilize their nervous system.

How much the child should stay awake in 2 months often depends on the maturity of his nervous system. The kid of this age does not sleep for about an hour and a half, after which he lets know that he is tired and not sleepy. The attentive parent will notice these signs - the child whines and rubs his eyes. Such actions mean that you should not wait for sleep time, you need to pack a tired little girl now.

How many times does the baby eat in 2 months?

The baby grows up, and his need for feeding increases. A child in 2 months is able to withstand longer intervals between feedings than it was a month ago. Children who use an adapted milk formula, it is recommended to give a bottle every 3.5 hours or 7 times a day. At night, children of this age group should not eat and they are entitled to rest from 24.00 to 5.00.

How much the child should eat at 2 months, the loving mother knows intuitively, although it is sometimes unrealistic to calculate the number of such short-term and full-length episodes of feeding. One thing is that you should not overfeed a baby and give him a breast at the first squeak. It is desirable that the crumb received food no more than ten times a day. At night, the baby can be applied every two hours or rest all night - this is individually.

How to develop a child in 2 months?

It is in vain that some parents think that the second month of life does not need further developmental work. No one forces you to teach babies to letters and scores, but elementary skills can be helped him to absorb right now. How to develop a child in the 2nd month of life , there are many books, various manuals have been created. At this age you will need simple toys of different colors, large, attractive pictures near the crib, and Mom, ready to devote much time to classes.

What toys are needed for a child in 2 months?

At this point, there is no need to buy a multifunctional device. Toys for children 2 months is:

Classes with a child in 2 months

A young inexperienced woman who has become a mother may not know how to play with a child in 2 months. Do not be afraid, it's very simple and natural. Games for the kid should be extremely simple:

  1. With the help of toys, you should familiarize your child with animals or heroes of fairy tales.
  2. Shaking the melodic rattle before the child, the adult helps him to develop a musical ear;
  3. You can show the baby bright pictures.
  4. On the legs of the baby wear bright socks, attracting his attention.
  5. You need to tell the child tales, read poems and sing songs.
  6. Do not forget about physical development - a daily massage is necessary and a short physical training.

What should a child do in 2 months?

Every loving nurse understands that her baby is unique and unique, but still wants to focus on some average information about the child's skills in 2 months. This is necessary in order to understand what to develop with your baby, which is to pay close attention.

Here's what the child does in 2 months:

  1. Tries to reach for the toy.
  2. She smiles at her mother.
  3. Turns to the sound.
  4. The child's skills in 2 months is the ability to hold a small rattle in the handle.
  5. Raises the head 45 ° in relation to the torso lying on the tummy and holds it for more than 10 seconds.