How to marinate a horse-radish for the winter?

Pickled horseradish is not just a delicious hot appetizer or addition to your sauces, in fact, it is an entire pantry necessary elements that help fight colds common in the cold season. So today we will learn how to kill two birds with one stone: prepare a delicious snack and a preventive remedy at the same time.

The recipe for pickled horseradish



In a glass of water we dissolve sugar, salt and put cloves with cinnamon. We bring the water to a boil, then cool it to 50-60 degrees and add the vinegar essence. We leave the marinade infused during the day. Purified horseradish rubbed and mixed with marinade. Pour the mixture over the sterilized jars and roll them up.

Pickled horseradish



Beets are boiled for 30 minutes, after which the root vegetables are cleaned and cut into cubes. Mix beetroot with shredded horseradish, add salt with sugar and fill everything with hot vegetable oil. We put the pan with horseradish and beetroot on the fire and warm it up to 70 degrees, after which we spread the mixture over the jars and put sterilized 20-25 minutes at 90 degrees.

Harness for the winter

The original snack from horseradish with lime will amaze even the seasoned eater not only with its sharpness, but also with freshness.



Preliminary, the roots of horseradish should be cleaned, if they are not completely fresh, then soak them in water for a day. Washed roots can be grated or rolled through a meat grinder. Ready the gruel is covered with a film so that it does not dry out, and the sharp aroma does not interfere with the work.

In a mortar, grind lime peel with sugar and salt (this mixture is suitable not only as an addition to the horseradish snack, but also as a seasoning for fish and seafood). We warm up the water and put the resulting mass in it, bring it to a boil and reduce the heat. We introduce vinegar into the marinade, and then add gruel from shredded horseradish. We remove the container from the fire and pour the snack over the hot jars. Sterilize the cans for 15-20 minutes, then roll and cool.