Black currant, mashed with sugar for the winter

Black currant takes a leading position in the ranking of fresh berries for the content of vitamin C in it, as well as other vitamins, elements, minerals and useful properties. But freshly you can not use its benefits for very long. Therefore, it is advisable, during the ripening period of the black currant, to make as many valuable blanks as possible from it and thereby ensure a delicious vitamin supply for a long time. The maximum of valuable properties can be saved thus, avoiding the formulations assuming thermal processing of berries. Most preferably, just rub the currant with granulated sugar, and how to do it correctly we will tell below in our material.

How to cook a black currant, rubbed with sugar for the winter - a recipe



To prepare for the winter grated black currant with sugar should only use fresh, preferably newly harvested berries. If necessary, we go through them, remove them from the pedicels and rinse them under running water. After all the moisture drains, we spread the currant on a dry cloth cut, towel or paper and let it dry completely.

Then most often the currant is simply twisted in a meat grinder, after sterilizing the latter previously in boiling water for fifteen minutes or grinding with a blender. But experts say that when berry juice comes into contact with the metal parts of the devices, a significant portion of vitamin C simply collapses. How can this be avoided? We recommend to place the prepared berries in an enamel or glass vessel, pour in a small portion of sugar and carefully grind the berries with a traditional wooden pestle. At the same time, care should be taken to ensure that the integrity of each berry is broken. After achieving the desired result, we pour the rest of the sugar, mix the berry mass thoroughly and leave it for a day at room conditions, from time to time stirring the contents of the bowl. When all the sugar crystals are dissolved, we spread out the preform according to previously prepared sterile dry jars, filling them on the hangers, pour sugar on top of the strings, cover the containers with capron capes and put them in the refrigerator for storage.

How to wipe black currants and raspberries with sugar?



For the preparation of black currant, rubbed with sugar and raspberries, we prepare berries in accordance with the recommendations described in the previous recipe. Raspberry is also washed and dried well. Next, we need two enameled or glass bowls, into which we add the prepared raspberries and currants. We rub berries with sugar with the help of a wooden crush or pestle, achieving the maximum possible puree texture of the berry mass. With raspberries it usually does not arise with this problem, since berries gentle and soft. If the currant is susceptible to grinding, you can hardly freeze it for a short time and let it thaw. Thus, berries become softer and easier to grind. Now we combine raspberry raspberries, currants and other sugar, stir and leave under room conditions for a day or until the sugar dissolves, periodically mixing the mass with a wooden spoon. The proportions of berries can be varied at their own discretion. Similarly, you can also prepare a grated black currant with sugar and strawberries. The latter must be carefully washed, dried and freed from sepals.