How can I sterilize the cans?

The tradition of making homework for the winter, preserving fruits and vegetables, remains popular in many families. It allows not only to feast on summer gifts, but also to save the family budget. In order to save the summer in the bank, it is important to properly carry out two processes: sterilization of glass jars and pasteurization of blanks.

How can I sterilize jars for workpieces?

Sterilization is the heat treatment of cans, at which microbes are killed. There are several ways to do this.

Traditional - processing of cans by steam . Let's try to figure out how to sterilize the cans for a couple. A grate is placed on a pot of boiling water. Purely washed with drinking soda or in mustard solution, the jars are placed with bottles down on the grate. Pots are covered and a splitter for splashing during frying. There are special pads on the pan for sterilizing one or more cans. Steam, penetrating inside the cans, kills all harmful microbes. Half-liter and liter cans are sterilized for 5-8 minutes, 3-liter for up to 15 minutes.

Instead of a pot, if you intend to close 3-6 pcs. half-liter or liter cans, it is better to use a kettle. Banks can simply be put on a teapot spout or put on top of an electric kettle.

A well sterilized can becomes transparent and dry. They are removed from the grill and put on a towel. In warm jars lay washed vegetables or fruits, pour in a prescription marinade, syrup. Cover with lids, which boil for 10 minutes. The main drawback of this method is that in the kitchen the steam is humid and hot, it takes a long time to prepare the cans.

The next method is sterilization of glass jars in the oven. It is more simple and convenient. Wash cans are installed on the oven grill. Turn on the oven for 140 degrees and at this temperature keep them 5-7 minutes. Then the oven is switched off, but the jars are not taken out, but they allow to cool down to 60-80 degrees with the oven. Banks should be placed not tightly to each other, you can not put on a sheet, otherwise they will burst. Sterilization occurs due to moisture in the cans and warming up.

Dry way. One of the most ancient, but few know about it. The question of how to prepare banks for procurement, saving gas or electricity, with its help is solved easily and simply. Banks are washed in advance at any convenient time. Turn over to a clean hb. canvas, and when the water drains from them, and this is pretty fast, put on a clean towel in the sunniest place on the loggia or the sill with the necks down. Ultraviolet rays of the sun will heat the air in the jar and kill all the bacteria. Before laying in the cans of conservation, they are simply rinsed with boiling water from the kettle to heat the glass.

How can I sterilize jars in a microwave oven? This is a very effective way of sterilizing cans, it is the fastest and most comfortable. But be prepared to pay for electricity more than usual. Banks need not only to wash carefully, but also inspect so that there are no chips and cracks. This, of course, must always be done, but here with special attention. Empty banks can not be put, they leave 1-2 cm of water. If dry cans are needed, then a glass with water is necessarily placed nearby. The heating time is 2 minutes. If you put a few cans, then increase the time to 3 minutes. Large banks are put on one side with a small amount of water. In a microwave oven, it is possible to pasteurize preforms. For this, vegetables are placed in cans, poured into half a brine, covered with a polyethylene lid and put on for 2-3 minutes. Then add a boiling fill and cover with metal covers. Turn the jars upside down and leave until completely cooled.

Summer will remind you of yourself when you put his gifts on the dining table, opening a jar of your conservation in the winter.