How to store onions - the best ways to save the harvest at home

Knowing how to store onions in order to enjoy a fresh product in winter will be useful in the beginning of autumn. At this time, harvesting takes place, affecting the quality of the vegetable. Important is the placement of products in ventilated containers and placing them in special conditions, on the correct temperature regimes of which, described in detail below.

How to store onions in the winter at home?

Methods for storing onions for the winter are varied and depend on the variety of the vegetable. So, onions are stored in baskets, cardboard boxes, woven into braids and suspended. Red onions are best kept in bundles, leeks accept sand and plastic bags placed in the refrigerator, and green onions do not lose quality at temperatures below zero.

  1. The quality storage of onions at home is determined by proper harvesting: onions should be removed only in dry weather. After, the vegetables are still dried in a draft, then they are put in a container and placed near the balcony.
  2. Leeks are cleaned from the ground, dried, cut off the roots, leaving the leaves. Next, set up in a vertical position in boxes with sand, in which the product can be stored for no more than 6 months.
  3. Red onions do not apply to varieties that easily carry lying in containers: it is weaved into bundles and hung in a cool room.

How to store onions in an apartment?

Those who wish to consume vegetables in the winter season must observe certain conditions for storing onions. The majority of consumers are residents of urban apartments who want to save on constant purchases of vegetables in the markets or in shops, therefore the following recommendations will come in handy.

  1. Before storing the onion for the winter, you should take care of the length of its leaves. Onions with long leaves, braided in a braid and suspended in a cool and dry place.
  2. You can put onions in baskets or boxes, and store at a temperature of no higher than 22 degrees with a humidity of about 70% in the corridor, cupboard or pantry.
  3. The most successful container for storage recognized polypropylene mesh: they provide air circulation and allow you to quickly detect decay.

How to store leeks for the winter?

Storage of onions in winter at home is not limited to the use of boxes, baskets and plus temperature. Very different conditions require leeks. It is a frost-resistant specimen and perfectly tolerates the temperature to -7 degrees, therefore, more often, it hibernates on a balcony in a box with sand under a blanket or on a shelf of a refrigerator.

  1. Before storing onions, it is necessary to dry it and cut off the rootlets by only 1/3 part, which will protect the vegetable from wilting.
  2. Onions are well preserved in the sand. For this, a small layer of oven-roasted sand is poured into the box, into which a bow is placed vertically. It is necessary to store such a structure in the cellar or on the balcony, where it will bear frost, provided it is wrapped in a warm rag.
  3. When stored in the refrigerator, the onions are wrapped in plastic bags and kept at a temperature of no higher than +5 degrees.

How to store onions?

The storage temperature of onions varies depending on the variety of the vegetable. Sweet - require temperatures from 0 to -1 degrees, sharp - need to maintain the regime to 3 degrees below zero. Since the apartment will not be able to provide such conditions, with a small amount of onions, you can stop at the plus point of the thermometer - from 17 to 22 degrees.

  1. Before storing onions, it should be thoroughly dried and sorted: small and unripe is laid for eating first, the rest is placed in the existing container. In the course are cardboard boxes, wicker baskets, wooden boxes. Such containers are placed on mezzanines, in closets or in a closet.
  2. For better storage, the onions are sprinkled with a small amount of husk or chalk, which both absorb the moisture perfectly.

How to keep peeled onions?

Storage of peeled onions is a common measure for saving taste and healthy qualities of a vegetable . This becomes relevant when several rotten specimens are found, due to the remnants of the vegetable in the cooking process or the practicality of many housewives who prefer to keep the product without the hull, in order not to shed tears again during cleaning.

  1. Peeled onion oiled, put in a sealed container and stored for 7 days.
  2. It's no worse than using a food film. In it root can be stored for 5 days.
  3. The most effective way is to store onions in cold water. Her daily shift will help to save the vegetable for 14 days.

How to store red onions?

Better than the inhabitants of the peninsula on how to store the Crimean bow , no one knows. The fact that this culture is very demanding in growing, and no less capricious in storage: the lack of keeping capacity allows you to keep onions in a quality form for 120 days, after which, it sprouts, loses its taste and deteriorates.

  1. Before storing the Crimean onion, leave the leaves as long as possible to decorate it as a bundle.
  2. The bundle has not only an attractive appearance, it can be stored in a suspended state both in the pantry and in the kitchen.

How to store dried onions?

Onion storage in dried form is one of the most popular ways. Many housewives prefer vegetables harvested in this way: they occupy a minimum of space, do not require the presence of a refrigerator, weigh less, and taste and useful qualities outstrip fresh specimens. In addition, there are many options for their preparation.

  1. Root can be dried in the oven. To do this, the vegetable is cleaned, cut into rings and tinned at a temperature of 40 degrees from 4 to 7 hours.
  2. After the onion has dried, it is crushed, laid out in sacks, glass or metal containers, and stored in a dry place for several years.

Storing spring onion for the winter

Storing green onions in the refrigerator is an occasion to give a fresh vitamin product to winter holidays. Often, the onions are placed in a plastic container on the lower shelf of the refrigerator and stand it for several weeks, or wrap the roots of the vegetable, without touching the stems, with a wet cloth, periodically moistening it with water.

  1. When stored in the refrigerator, green feathers are wrapped in food paper, previously rinsed and dried.
  2. Surprisingly, simply putting the onion stems in water and covering the feathers with a packet, you can keep the product fresh for two weeks.

How to store the shallots in winter?

Shallot - storage in winter which differs little from the bulb, is also formed into braids and suspended, or placed in vented containers and placed in cool and dry rooms. Due to good frost resistance, the onion tolerates low temperatures well and, even frozen, quickly thaws without losing quality.

  1. With a cool temperature regime, onion is well preserved for half a year.
  2. Experienced gardeners prefer to keep it frozen. Before storing onions, it is cleaned, cut, moistened, placed in containers and stored in a freezer.

Storage of onions in the cellar

Storage of onions in a winter cellar is based on observance of the correct temperature regime. So, for onions, the ideal temperature is from 0 to +4 degrees, which is suitable for leeks, and therefore, leads to variety in varieties. In addition, this is a great way to lay a large number of vegetables, which, as a rule, can not be done in an apartment.

  1. The shelf life of the onion depends on its variety, so it is better to immediately sort it and distribute it according to the varieties.
  2. Sweet varieties can be saved only until February, and sharp - until the summer.
  3. At the same humidity in the basement should not exceed 85%, otherwise the vegetables will quickly rot.
  4. For storage carton boxes, boxes and linen bags are suitable.