Electric lock for wicket door

Any owner of a private house wants to protect his yard from penetrating intruders. And the decisive moment in this matter is the correct choice of the lock for the gate. They are different - from the good old hinged and mortise locks to complex security systems. The most popular option today is the electric lock on the gate. This article will tell you about the features of the selection and operation of such devices.

Advantages and disadvantages of electric lock

First of all, let's look at the principles of the electric lock. Outside, the device is opened with a key (magnetic or conventional), and inside - with a button located on the inside of the door, or remotely using a doorphone.

Important parts in the device of the electric lock are two crossbars - squatting and working. When the door closes, the first springs the spring, and the second - enters the part of the lock, called the response. At the same time, the door is locked, and it is impossible to open it by simply pulling the handle. When we need to unlock the wicket, a button is applied to the solenoid of the solenoid in the lock, an electric signal is applied, the spring lock is released, and the working bolt is retracted into the lock under its action.

Modern electric lock on the gate has the following "pluses":

To the disadvantages of electric locks on the gate, we primarily refer to the difficulty in installation (installation of such a lock must be carried out only by an experienced technician), as well as dependence on the supply of power and the high cost of the device itself.

However, there are several types of electrically controlled locks:

  1. Electromagnetic - simple and reliable in operation, but requires a constant supply of electricity in order for the door to be locked. This kind of locks is convenient because, that for their opening it is possible to use magnetic cards or keys.
  2. Electromechanical - can be opened with a magnetic key or mechanically. Electromechanical locks can be embedded and overhead.
  3. Electromotive - instead of a magnet there is a miniature electric motor, otherwise the operation of such a lock does not differ from an electromechanical one.

Also note that for correct operation of the device it is required that the control voltage is within 12 V, and the current strength is from 1.2 to 3 A, depending on the lock model.