Winter solstice rituals

The day of the winter solstice is a holiday that has been widely celebrated since the Slavs on December 21-22. This period is characterized by the shortest day and the longest night. This phenomenon is connected with the motion of our planet in orbit and occurs annually. Our ancestors considered this day the beginning of the new year, it was believed that on this day the ancient god Kolyada is born. It was his name and the next month was called the carol.

Ancestral rites for the winter solstice

As mentioned earlier, this was a grand period for the ancient Slavs. Often sorcerers kindled large bonfires and prayed the Gods to help the sun return quickly. Then carols began. The whole people from small to large, dressed in costumes and with songs and jokes went to congratulate their neighbors, for which the carols were given gifts. It was considered a bad omen to drive or not to let these people into their house, because this way it was possible to call disaster on themselves and their families.

Rituals on the day of the winter solstice in our day

Consider some rituals, rituals for the winter solstice that are not directly related to magic , but will help you better understand yourself and attract happiness, love and luck.

  1. Farewell to the past . If the current year for you was not very successful, or even overshadowed by difficult events, you can "let go" this year and start everything in a new way. At 12 am, write down on your paper all your negative experiences and experiences for the current period and burn them. Ashes can be dispersed in the wind or washed off with water. From now on, you will become more at ease in your soul, and you will have the strength for new beginnings.
  2. Ritual meditation . It is very important that no one distracts you and the environment is calm and conducive to relaxation. You can imagine anything and with the proper attitude and attitude to your desires, the universe will certainly help.
  3. Ritual cleansing of space . For our ancestors this day a new life cycle began, so in your rituals for the winter solstice you can include sacred house cleaning. On this day, throw away all those things that do not give more pleasure or even cause negative associations or memories. Then do the cleaning in the usual way. Finish your action by fumigation of the room and light the candles. Fire perfectly burns the negative, and the incense frightens away the troubles and harmonizes the space.

Rituals on the day of the winter solstice can be any, most importantly, that they fell in love with you and then in their action can not be doubted.