Eggplant cultivation in a greenhouse

One of our most favorite vegetables is eggplant, and the demand for it is all year round. Therefore, it is worth considering whether it is possible to grow aubergines in greenhouse conditions. Growing eggplants in the greenhouse has its own characteristics. Since there must be a certain moisture for them, not always suitable for other vegetables, then they should be planted separately from other crops. For cultivation in a greenhouse, eggplant varieties are not very high. If you decide to still grow them together with tomatoes , for example, then plant the seedlings so that tall tomatoes do not obscure the lower eggplant.

Let's find out how to properly grow seedlings of good eggplants. After all, this is not very easy. First of all, we need to decide on the timing of the sowing of vegetable seeds. If planted early, the seedling will outgrow and stretch, it will take a very long time to get accustomed to, hurt. As a result, the harvest will be late and meager. Therefore, the optimal time for planting the eggplant seedlings is sixty days after the seeds were sown.

It is very important to choose good seeds for seedlings. They must necessarily be zoned and adapted to the climate of your locality. Then you will get a good harvest.

The soil from the garden is better not to take, but to prepare a mixture of peat and sawdust or sand. Seeds are best sowed in small pots. After the first shoots appear, the pot must be placed in the brightest place. And when the first real leaf appeared, the seedlings must be transplanted into larger pots. Watering the seedlings should be moderate, excess moisture can cause the death of plants.

How to plant and grow aubergines?

At the age of about ten weeks, eggplant seedlings can be planted in a greenhouse. The soil in the greenhouse should be light and fertilized, but if the fertilizer is abundant, the green mass will grow strongly, and the fruit may not be at all. Approximately 5 plants per 1 sq. M. Are planted. m, without deepening the stalk of eggplant and not hilling it. Eggplant does not like transplants, long after them takes root, so transplanting, you need very carefully to deal with the roots of seedlings. After planting the soil is best to cover up so that moisture does not evaporate strongly. In the greenhouse, extreme temperature changes should be avoided. The light day must last at least 12 hours.

In order for eggplants to yield a good harvest, they need to form their bushes. The plant leaves three or four of the strongest shoots. In a greenhouse for better pollination of plants, you can transfer the pollen from one plant to another by a brush.

By creating optimal conditions for growing aubergines, and with some effort, you will get an excellent harvest of this healthy and delicious vegetable.