Medallions of veal

Veal medallions are a magnificent and original festive meat dish. Therefore, when preparing it, you must definitely try to make it not only tasty, but also aesthetically beautiful.

Medallions of veal with mushrooms



Veal washed, cut into about 12 pieces, salt, pepper, pour wine and marinate for about 6 hours in the refrigerator. Then cut the edges of the meat with a thread, giving them a round shape, and fry in vegetable oil until a crispy crust is formed. Onions finely chop, wessed on the remaining oil, add chopped mushrooms and fry all together until prepared. Just before serving, remove the thread, put the medallions on the baking sheet, place the fried mushrooms on top, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake the dish in the oven until the cheese melts.

Veal medallions - recipe



How to prepare veal medallions? Soft cheese cut into small cubes, put in a bowl, pour cold milk and put it for several hours in the refrigerator. In the meantime, we chop the ham and boiled eggs and peeled eggs in advance. These ingredients are mixed with truffle paste, salt, pepper to taste and carefully mix the filling.

Veal fillets are washed in cold water, slightly dried, remove the meat from the meat and cut the meat across into 4 medallions approximately 1.5 centimeters thick. In each we make a small pocket and fill them with stuffing.

Now let's prepare the sauce: take a bowl of milk and cheese, put in a pan with hot water, and then on a weak fire. The cheese mass is constantly prevented until the cheese dissolves completely, and then we increase the fire. Add egg yolks, carefully stir and cook for another 5-7 minutes. Sauce should get a creamy, uniform consistency.

Medallions of salt, pepper, pour in flour and fry from both sides in butter. Then water the meat with cognac, cover with a lid and increase the fire.

Ready cutlets are laid out on a dish with vegetables, we serve sauce separately.

If you like gentle dishes from meat, then by all means try the recipes of beef in pots , or beef with cheese.

Enjoy your meal!