At what age do cats change their teeth?

In cats, as in humans, at a certain age, the milk teeth change permanently. The attentive owner, by some signs, will immediately notice the moment when the cat is changing its milk teeth to permanent teeth.

Before the change of teeth in animals, salivation increases, there is a flaccidity of the milk teeth, a decrease or total loss of appetite, on the food residues there may be traces of blood. Also inflamed gums cause the animal to gnaw solid objects and surfaces, this can cause trouble to the owner in the form of spoiled furniture, so you need to be prepared in advance for such a process and buy a pet in the pet store a special bone or replace it with a handy toy .

What it is necessary to know the owner about the change of teeth in a cat?

Knowing how many months the cats are changing their teeth, and this happens, usually at the age of 3 to 5 months, the owner can prepare in advance for this important process, providing his pet with a strengthened, complete diet, increasing the number of products , in which the greatest content of calcium. You can use mineral fertilizing, which includes the necessary components for growing permanent teeth.

At a time when the cat is changing its milk teeth, it is good to feed the pet dry food, they contribute to the mechanical cleaning of the chewing organs from the calculus, which can be formed during the change of teeth in the animal.

Knowing at what age the cats have their teeth changed, the owner should strictly treat the behavior of the animal at this time, because some of his habits associated with the process of changing teeth and some pet anger, for example, the desire to gnaw at a person's hands and scratch, may later turn into into the problem by making the animal aggressive.

If you have problems with the process of changing your baby's teeth, you should immediately contact your veterinarian for advice or assistance.