How to get rid of yellow spots on clothes?

Everyone is familiar with the unsightly yellow spots appearing on clothes from sweat. Most often this is the area of ​​the armpits, sometimes the back. Particularly noticeable are such spots on light clothing. From such spots sometimes even deodorants do not save, especially if they are substandard. And if on your clothes there are such yellow spots, let's understand, how can you get rid of them?

How to remove yellow stains from clothes?

Arriving home after a hot day, try to stretch your clothes: fresh stains from sweat are better washed. If you washed white clothes: a shirt , blouse, dress , dry the thing in the bright sun, which is an excellent bleach. But how to get old yellow spots from clothes?

There are several ways for this. For example, you can use this tool: dishwashing liquid - 1 teaspoon, hydrogen peroxide - 4 tablespoons, baking soda - 2 tablespoons. Make a mixture of these ingredients and apply it to the stain. Then it is necessary to rub the stain well and leave for about an hour or two. Now the thing should be rinsed and then washed in the usual way.

A white thing with yellow spots should be previously soaked in water with detergent, adding about 100 g of ammonia. After the thing has lain in such a solution for 5-6 hours, it must be spread in the car. The temperature for washing should be 60 ° C. This method is effective not only for removing yellow spots, but also white clothing after washing does not become gray. Before removing yellow patches on clothes in this way, you need to make sure that this thing can be washed in hot water. And you can install it on the label of a shirt or a dress.

If you can not cope with yellow spots on clothes at home, you can not, put the thing in dry cleaners, where they will quickly give it a proper look.