Injections of hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is an integral component of the body. With age, the percentage of its content is reduced, resulting in the skin begins to lose its tone and becomes dehydrated. The injections of hyaluronic acid are an effective and safe way to replenish the "stock" of this substance and restore the elasticity and elasticity of the skin.

Why do injections of hyaluronic acid?

In the face, injections of hyaluronic acid are most often done with drugs:

These injections are introduced shallowly into the skin in small doses. Basically, injections of hyaluronic acid put in nasolabial folds , on the forehead, chin and near the eyes. They smooth out facial wrinkles, which helps to significantly improve the appearance. But this is a temporary effect, since absolutely all drugs with such a substance dissolve after a while. The maximum term of their validity is 12 months.

The skin on the lips basically consists of a connective tissue. Also, it has components such as collagen and hyaluronic acid. It is these substances that give lips a beautiful shape and roundness. Do you want to make them more plump? You will be helped by injections of hyaluronic acid on the lips. This is an absolutely harmless procedure, the effect after which lasts a minimum of 6 months. The main thing is for the master, who makes injections, exactly to keep the dosage of the injections. Exceeding the dose is fraught with the appearance of local reactions and a violation of the natural form of the lips.

What can not be done after the injections?

During the first day after injections of hyaluronic acid, you should not touch the injection sites and sleep face down. In addition, for at least 14 days is prohibited:

  1. Bathe in the river, the sea or the pool.
  2. Drink alcoholic beverages.
  3. Attend a sauna or a sauna.
  4. Sunbathe in the open sun and in the solarium.

For two weeks after the injections, it is impossible to apply a face cream and powder to the face. Also, do not use any cosmetics without consulting a doctor.

Contraindications to the use of injections of hyaluronic acid

Injections of hyaluronic acid have contraindications. They are strictly prohibited when:

Do not make these injections if the skin has abrasions, bruises, cuts and any other damage. It is also necessary to refrain from injections of hyaluronic acid if you have recently performed any cosmetic procedures to mechanically exfoliate the upper stratum corneum.

Consequences of injections of hyaluronic acid

The most common effects of injections of hyaluronic acid are edema, pain and inflammation. Eliminate them with cold compresses and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If in the process of carrying out this cosmetic procedure the rules of antiseptic were not observed, the pathogens of infection can enter the skin. Because of this, abscesses develop and even necrosis of the skin occurs.

When an excessive amount of hyaluronic acid is administered, the drug is always displaced from the injection site. Also in this case, there may be such side effects as: