Ureaplasma parvum during pregnancy

Ureaplasma, more precisely this kind of it, like parvum, during pregnancy is often found and requires treatment. In most cases, the causative agent for a long time does not make itself felt. At the same time, according to statistical data, about 60% of women are carriers of this conditionally pathogenic microorganism. However, with the onset of gestation, a sharp increase in the activity of the pathogen occurs.

Because of what in pregnancy there is a ureaplasmosis?

The cause, in the first place, is a change in the hormonal background. As a result of such changes, a change in balance is noted: the environment changes to alkaline, which creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. That's why often for the first time about ureaplasmosis a woman finds out on short terms of gestation.

What is dangerous for ureaplasmosis during pregnancy?

The most formidable complication of the disease, which causes doctors' concern, is spontaneous miscarriage. As a rule, it is a consequence of the violation of the process of development of the embryo and occurs on a very short time.

For the unborn child, the presence of ureaplasma parvum in the body of the mother during pregnancy can cause the development of oxygen deficiency, disruption of the organs. There is also a possibility of infection of the fetus. In such cases, pneumonia develops, sepsis.

How is the treatment of ureaplasma parvum treated in pregnant women?

Therapy of such a disorder involves the use of antibacterial drugs. Therefore, at the initial stages of gestation, doctors adhere to expectant tactics. Ideal option is prevention, when drugs effective in the presence of ureaplasma parvum, are appointed at the stage of pregnancy planning.

If ureaplasmosis is diagnosed during the current gestation process, as a rule, the sanation of the birth canal begins at 30 weeks. For a long time, tetracycline drugs were used in the treatment of the disease . However, they often became the cause of complications, violations of intrauterine development of the fetus.

The most effective and safe today for the treatment of ureaplasmosis are macrolides. Used a drug such as Erythromycin. The course of treatment is appointed individually. Dosage, frequency of administration and duration are determined exclusively by the doctor. A pregnant woman should strictly follow the doctor's instructions.