Christmas tree made of pillows

Do you like decorating the house with handicrafts for the New Year? Do you want to know how to make a Christmas tree out of pillows? Do not worry, it's easy, and you will not need the skills of a professional seamstress. For a cushion tree, you will need a silver and green fabric, filler (sintepon), sewing pins, needles and threads. To make a tree out of pillows was where to put, prepare a small plastic pot, silver paint (in a can), glue and cord.

Making a Christmas tree out of pillows

  1. We cut out 2 pieces for each pillow from the green and silver fabric (their number and size depends on how big the tree you want to make). We fasten the details (green with silver) with decorative pins and pass them from the wrong side. Do not forget to leave a hole through which we will turn out, and stuff a pillow.
  2. We turn out the resulting stars and straighten the seams. We fill the tiers for the future tree with a sintepon, use for this purpose the fabric is undesirable - the tree will turn out to be heavy and can lose shape. We sew up the pillows, of which our Christmas tree will be, a secret seam.
  3. We collect all the details of the pyramid and sew them with a long needle. The thread is better to take a thick, folded in half.
  4. At the top of the tree-pillow, sew the smallest asterisk, placing it perpendicularly to the rest of the details.
  5. Now we make a support for our Christmas tree from pillows. To do this, glue the cord to the outside of the plastic pot. We put the paint on the pot and let it dry.
  6. We tie the Christmas tree with a thin silver cord, as we do with gifts, and put it in a pot. Of course, the Christmas tree from the pillows will look good and without a stand, but the secret of this souvenir of Christmas trees is that you can put a small gift in the pot, just like a real Christmas tree.