Frankfurt green sauce

Frankfurt green sauce is a legendary dish with a great history, which is so popular in the homeland that even a separate monument was awarded. Despite the external simplicity of the composition, the famous sauce includes seven different herbs, among which are sorrel, chervil, watercress, cucumber grass, grubble, chives and parsley. All this variety is seasoned with sour cream and yolks, and then served with dishes of meat and potatoes.

Frankfurt green sauce - recipe



If you have a blender at your disposal, cooking will take just seconds. Simply whisk together fresh herbs and yogurt, add egg white, lemon juice, pinch of salt to the mixture, and then repeat the whipping.

Chop the egg white and combine it with the sauce. Now dilute everything with sour cream, season with flavor and serve.

Frankfurt sauce - recipe

The Germans themselves like to add cottage cheese to the sour cream sauce, and then serve a sauce with a potato garnish, during the meal grinding the boiled potato tubers along with the sour cream sauce.



Using a blender, grind a mix of herbs in a puree. Add the well-ground cottage cheese, vegetable oil and a couple of egg yolks to the green mashed potatoes. Repeat the whipping, dilute the sauce base with sour cream and add the finely chopped egg white. Season all with salt and lemon juice to taste.

In the absence of a blender, all the greens will have to be cut manually to a pasty state, and then combined with the rest of the sauce.

Frankfurt green sauce on sour cream



Boil a couple of eggs, and after cooling, clean and grind. Grasses finely chop with a knife or turn into a paste, whipping with a blender. Mix the greens with egg yolks, mustard, yogurt, lemon juice and fenugreek. Add sauce with sour cream and salt to taste. Serve chilled Frankfurt sauce with boiled potatoes and eggs.