Erythrocytosis in women - characteristic reasons and principles of treatment

Erythrocytes - small red blood cells, which are of great importance for the normal functioning of the body. Their mission is to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. A reduced or increased number of red blood cells signals a malfunction in the operation of human life support systems.

Erythrocytosis - Species

Increased number of red blood cells in the blood (erythrocytosis) is not considered an independent disease. It is rather an anomaly or a reaction of the body to various diseases. Together with the increase in the mass of red blood cells, the hemoglobin level is significantly increased. In medicine, the following classification of erythrocytosis is adopted:

The latter is divided into:

Primary erythrocytosis

This condition is an independent disease of the hematopoietic system and has a genetic nature. It develops due to the mutation of red blood cells, which leads to a violation of their basis function - the transport of oxygen. Hereditary erythrocytosis is rare. In medicine, it is known as congenital polycythemia or Vaquez disease. This pathology provokes an increase in bone marrow volume and increased production of red blood cells and hemoglobin.

Secondary erythrocytosis

This species is considered a symptom of acute or chronic diseases, which are characterized by manifestations of chronic oxygen deficiency. As a result, more red blood cells are produced in the body. Symptomatic erythrocytosis often occurs due to a lack of oxygen in people living in mountainous areas.

Absolute and relative erythrocytosis

These are two forms of secondary polycythemia. Relative erythrocytosis occurs as a result of a decrease in the total volume of blood due to severe dehydration. An increase in the number of erythrocytes leads to a decrease in the magnitude of the plasma. Absolute erythrocytosis is a consequence of increased erythropoiesis - the process of formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow. This form of pathology always accompanies the diseases of internal organs or entire systems.

Erythrocytosis - Causes

According to statistics, polycythemia is diagnosed in patients of both sexes of different ages. The causes of erythrocytosis in women depend on its form. Among the most common ones are the following:

1. Primary anomaly is always a consequence of a hematopoietic defect at the genetic level or congenital heart defects.

2. Secondary polycythemia is an acquired phenomenon and therefore has several causes:

Erythrocytosis - symptoms

The increase in the level of red blood cells is slow. Therefore, the symptomatology of this pathology is poorly expressed. In the case of the acquired form of the disease, the patient may notice the following signs of erythrocytosis:

Erythrocytosis - Diagnosis

In order to clarify the cause of the occurrence of plethora, ultrasound diagnosis of internal organs, lung X-rays, examination of the cardiovascular system. If a predisposition to the formation of thrombi is found, a specialist consultation is necessary. After the patient's treatment in the clinic, the doctor appoints a number of laboratory and instrumental studies. Among the first - a biochemical blood test. The diagnosis of "erythrocytosis" is confirmed if the serum level of erythrocytes in women is 6.5-7.5x1012 / l.

Other indicators are also taken into account:

Erythrocytosis - treatment

Treatment of erythrocytosis in women is aimed at reducing the level of red blood cells. To reduce the viscosity of blood and prevent the occurrence of thrombi, complex therapy is used, which consists of several stages:

1. Prescribe drugs to treat the underlying disease, because polycythemia can be one of his symptoms.

2. If erythrocytosis is caused by tissue hypoxia, procedures are performed using oxygen.

3. It is strongly recommended that you quit smoking.

4. To dilute the blood prescribed antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants:

5. Together with drug treatment, hirudotherapy is widely used. This method consists in the use of medical leeches, which suck out excess blood and supply the body with a special substance - hirudin. Treatment is conducted in courses, 2 times a year.

6. Adherence to a special diet will help strengthen the walls of the vessels and get rid of excess weight. Products should be excluded from the daily diet containing iron, for example:

It is not recommended taking multivitamins and minerals.

7. Daily exercise and moderate exercise will help to consolidate the result of treatment. In the process of training, the level of cholesterol decreases and the metabolism in the body is accelerated, and tissues are more actively saturated with oxygen.