Diseases of the ear in adults - symptoms and treatment

The human ear is a complex organ through which the perception of sound occurs, as well as maintaining the balance of the body in space. It is divided into three sections: the outer, middle and inner ear. Ear disorders in adults have different symptoms and treatment regimens and are considered taking into account their localization. The main causes of diseases of the ears can be called: penetration of infection, trauma, hypothermia, exposure to toxic substances, diseases of other organs. Consider the main diseases of the hearing system, how they manifest and are treated.

Ear Otitis

This is one of the most common pathologies, which is an inflammatory process, localized in one of the departments of the ear. Inflammation of the outer ear is most often a furuncle or carbuncle in the external auditory canal with the following symptoms:

Inflammation of the middle ear is characterized by such manifestations:

Inflammatory process in the inner ear (labyrinthitis) is manifested by such signs:

Treatment of otitis with their bacterial origin involves taking antibiotics, and in many cases, local anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive drugs, antihistamines, pain medications are prescribed. Sometimes otitis require surgical manipulation.

Ripe Cork

Sulfur plug is a pathological condition in which the external auditory canal near the tympanic membrane is clogged by the accumulation of compacted earwax, causing the following manifestations:

Removal of plugs is carried out either by mechanical means (washing, aspiration, curettage), or by dissolution with the use of special medicines.

Otorhinolaryngology of otosclerosis

Otosclerosis develops due to unknown reasons and more often affects women, especially during periods of hormonal reorganization. With this disease in the middle ear, foci of sclerosis are formed, which disrupt the transmission of sound vibrations. The main symptoms of the disease:

Operatively, for the treatment of otosclerosis, operative methods are used. conservative are not very effective.

Ménière's disease

This rare disease affects the inner ear and is associated with an increase in the amount of endolymph in its cavity, which can be caused by various infectious processes in the body, vascular pathologies, head, ear injuries, etc. Its manifestations are:

Treatment of Ménière's disease is mainly medicated and is aimed at arresting and relieving seizures, reducing the frequency of their occurrence, but it is impossible to stop the progression of pathology today.

Neuritis of the auditory nerve

Nerve damage can be caused by several factors, with irreversible atrophic changes affecting different its sections. The symptomatology of the disease includes:

Treatment is appointed depending on the causative factors. If there is a significant deterioration or loss of hearing, the question of hearing care is considered.