Mucus in the urine - the norm or pathology?

Sometimes during the delivery of urine analysis, impurities in the form of viscous clots of epithelial tissue are found in it. Mucus in the urine is a pathology. If its quantity exceeds the permissible norm, it is an inflammatory process of the urinary system or other pathological processes.

Mucus in urine - what does it mean?

From the inside, the urinary tracts have a mucous membrane and are lined with epithelial cells, which protect against irritation. In a pathological process, they are rejected and fall into urine, as indicated by mucus in the urine. The primary causes may be chronic inflammation (autoimmune), bacterial infection or trauma after the removal of kidney stones or sand. Sometimes the presence of mucus is not due to pathology, but a natural phenomenon, for example, non-compliance with hygiene during the delivery of the analysis. Only a doctor can diagnose and identify a provoking factor.

Mucus in the urine of women

Representatives of the fair sex regularly give urine tests, especially during pregnancy. The question arises: what does mucus in the urine mean for women? With minor deviations from the norm may give direction to re-conduct the study, since the structure of the sexual organs of a woman allows the entry into the urinary canal of the epithelium of mucous membranes. It is necessary to thoroughly carry out hygiene before collecting the material. However, not always when mucus in the urine is found in women, the cause of the phenomenon is natural, especially if there are many discharges. They can point to different pathologies:

  1. Inflammatory infectious diseases - chlamydia, uropenplasm . It is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort and burning during urination.
  2. Lesion of the mucous membrane of the vagina.
  3. Cystitis , that is, inflammation of the bladder.
  4. Failure in the work of the kidneys (including stones).
  5. Mucus in the urine during pregnancy is associated with the production of hormones of estrogen and progesterone (not a deviation), but sometimes indicates a venereal disease .

Mucus in the urine of men

To the diseases of the kidneys and urethra ( pyelonephritis , urethritis) in men the pathology of the prostate gland joins. Prostate is the most common reason that mucus is present in the urine. Sometimes it appears because the outflow of urine is disturbed: before passing the tests there was a long delay in urination. But when answering the question, what does mucus in urine mean for men, we should not forget about the inaccuracy of the testimony of laboratory studies due to the non-sterile jar for collecting the material.

Mucus in the urine of children

The presence of mucus in the urine of a child is not normal, but is tolerable in minimal amounts. Often, the presence of impurities can be attributed to improper hygiene. In boys, this factor can be caused by a pathology such as phimosis, in which the foreskin does not allow the head of the penis to bare. Around the latter, slime and dirt collect. Other possible reasons:

General analysis of urine - mucus

Based on the results of the general analysis, it is possible to identify not only the presence of pathologies of organs, but also their degree. For diagnostics in the laboratory, different methods are used, including microscopic examination. With its help urine analysis reveals the mucus together with other substances, the number of which exceeds the norm: bacteria, protein, leukocytes, etc. Each combination has its own causes. It is especially alarming when there are blood clots in urine.

To determine the level of impurities in urine, a system of pluses is used:

As a rule, after the first negative analysis that showed the presence of mucus, ask to hand over one more, which will reveal the root cause. In order for the results to be true, it is important to comply with hygiene standards for people of any gender and age: wash before taking the test (with soap), use a sterile container. Urine should be morning, and the collected material should not be stored for more than three hours.

Mucus in the urine is the norm

Normally, the epithelium regularly releases a secretion product, the amount of which is necessary to protect the mucosa from the corrosive effects of urea. Slime in small amounts in the urine can not be noticed with the naked eye, only in a microscope. In the analysis, a positive result, which does not go beyond the norm, can be marked by such indicators as:

Slime in the urine - a small amount

Sometimes the results of a laboratory study report that mucus is found in the urine, and it is moderately elevated (two, rarely three plus). This is not a reason for panic. Perhaps it's the wrong hygiene, then the tests will have to be retaken, but provoking the release of the epithelium can also be an inflammatory process. When there are problems with the organs of the small pelvis, blood rushes to them, the mucous walls swell. Cells begin to actively excrete the epithelium to save the urinary system from harmful bacteria. There is a little discharge in urine.

A large amount of mucus in the urine

The abundant amount of excretion in urine is noticeable at once - they settle on the bottom of the test tank, the clots float in the liquid. Symptom is alarming. Much in the mucus in the urine is a pathology that reports the infection of the urinary and genital organs. Increased formation of urine impurities can trigger:

Mucus in urine - treatment

Urine with mucus signals that there are some changes in the body, possibly pathological. In itself, the phenomenon is not dangerous, does not manifest itself in sensations, but it is required to eliminate the provocateur. And before prescribing treatment, the doctor must understand why the mucus in the urine has appeared. Each pathology has its own course of therapy.

  1. Infectious disease is eliminated medically. Therapy includes the administration of painkillers, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial agents, diuretics. When an infection is detected in a child, medication is minimized.
  2. Stones and sand in the kidneys are often removed through surgical intervention.
  3. If renal diseases are identified, the patient should follow a special diet, take vitamins and medications such as Kanefron and Biseptol.

Mucus in the urine - the phenomenon is not dangerous and should not be a cause for concern when its quantity is within the limits of the permissible. But the situation needs to be kept under control, if it is regularly repeated. Whatever factors have not affected the appearance in urine of mucous clots, one should not forget about prevention. It is necessary to prevent stagnation of urine, observe the hygiene of the sexual organs, take vitamins (including vitamin C) and regularly undergo a checkup with a urologist.