Mask for hair with yogurt and egg

Masks with yogurt are unique in that they fit any type of hair . Sour milk product in combination with other natural substances nourishes hair bulbs, strengthens hair rods, accelerates the growth of hair. An even more noticeable result can be obtained by adding kefir to the egg, which is a storehouse of minerals and vitamins. We offer effective recipes for hair masks with egg and yogurt.

Mask for hair - kefir, egg, cocoa



The whitened yolk is mixed with kefir and cocoa powder. The composition is applied to the hair for 30 minutes. For rinsing it is advisable to use a warm broth of chamomile with light hair, and brunettes can use a decoction of hops.

This composition is recommended for use as a mask in the cold period of the year.

Attention! Cocoa powder can be replaced with dark chocolate, previously softened in a water bath.

Mask for hair - honey, kefir, egg



Honey is dissolved in a water bath, all components are mixed. The mask is rinsed after 2 hours.

If the masks made according to the first two recipes are suitable for all types of hair, the compositions with vegetable oil are intended mainly for dry hair.

Mask for hair - kefir, egg, burdock oil



Kefir mixed with vegetable oil, add egg yolk. The mask is kept for 2-3 hours.

For your information! Even with a thorough washing of the mask with the egg, an unpleasant odor may remain. We advise in the end to rinse strands of water, acidified with lemon juice.