How to calm a child during hysteria?

Very often hysterics for young children become a way of expressing discontent. In a situation where babies cry and wriggle, young parents are lost, and do not know what to do. In fact, there are many options to stop the storm that has begun. In this article, we will tell you how to calm a young child during hysteria, and how to do it as quickly as possible.

How to calm a newborn child during hysteria?

Hysterics for kids, who just recently came into being, is a very common phenomenon and not rare at all. Their long crying, at times, beats the whole family out of the rut and causes a lot of anxiety for the young mother. Meanwhile, there are many ways how to calm a baby with hysterics, for example:

  1. It is enough to swarm the baby tightly, so that he can not squirm. In this case the knobs and legs of the crumb should have a certain freedom. Such a state of affairs allows the screaming baby to feel as if he was once again in the womb, so that he becomes much calmer.
  2. If the child's hysterics is caused by pain and discomfort in the abdomen, it should be put on the tummy so as to increase pressure on it. In particular, the crumb is best placed with the head on the forearm.
  3. The overwhelming majority of newborn babies are calmed down after they are given a pacifier or any other item that can be sucked. Of course, the mother's breast in this situation is the most optimal solution.
  4. Before the birth of babies in the womb are constantly in motion. It is for this reason that to soothe a nursing baby during hysteria can such a method as rocking in a cradle, stroller or rocking chair. In addition, some parents are forced to spend hours rocking the child in their arms or driving around the neighborhood.
  5. To calm the newborn baby can also calm, measured strokes on the naked calf. Remember that tactile contact is very important for kids.

How to calm a hysterical child in 2-3 years?

The next stage of disobedience overtakes almost all parents when their baby reaches 2-3 years. At this age the child sometimes becomes simply uncontrollable, as a result of which mom and dad often break into a cry. Of course, this can not be done, while there are other ways to calm the hysteria of a child in 2-3 years, namely:

  1. A kid at this age can be distracted. Some children will go with great interest to see if there are leaflets on their favorite birch tree, than to continue to cry for no apparent reason.
  2. For the release of negative energy crumb can be offered any other thing - a pillow, a toy hammer or a ball.
  3. Some children are helped by "pills" from a bad mood, which can be used as candy, marmalade, kozinaki. The main thing is not to use this method too often. As a safe sweets, fruit pastil, dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots, or fruit chips are the best choice.
  4. Finally, very often, in order to calm the child, it is enough to hug and kiss him.