Gifted children

A distinctive feature of gifted children is to a large extent superior to the level of intellectual development of the child , in comparison with his peers. Often, parents confuse the concept of giftedness with ordinary obedience and good performance, which is not entirely true. After all, between a real giftedness and the presence of certain theoretical knowledge and skills is a very fine line, so it is sometimes not easy to recognize a child prodigy.

Psychological features of gifted children

In order to see the giftedness, it is necessary to take into account the fact that there are many able children. As a rule, this manifests itself in the most diverse fields of knowledge, and the gifted ones are units, and only in a particular direction is their talent revealed.

In order not to miss the high endowment of one's own child, parents need to take a closer look:

However, it should not be assumed that gifted children immediately reveal their talents, this requires time and a significant foundation of accumulated interests and knowledge, which, in fact, is the peculiarity of working with them.

Individual educational route of a gifted child

The teaching of gifted children requires special skills and knowledge that go beyond the standard program and allow the kids to fully discover their potential. However, the primary task of both parents and educators is to recognize the child's super abilities in a particular discipline, be it creativity, exact sciences, sports, and others.

Support for adults also plays an important role for gifted children. Gifted children can manifest themselves already in the kindergarten, but more often it happens already at school age. For schoolchildren with high intellectual abilities, there are special educational institutions that take into account all the features of learning prodigies.

Special schools for teaching gifted children differ not only in the basic program and the forms of submission of knowledge, but also in educational work. As a rule, pursuing a special program, the child gets a deeper knowledge, fully mastered the skills of independent work, develops creative thinking and a non-standard vision of the questions posed.

The peculiarity of working with gifted children is this individual approach to each, the opening of the potential and the provision of the most comfortable conditions for development. Because very often in general schools gifted children face many problems:

  1. First, not all teachers have the necessary skills.
  2. Secondly, too different intellectual abilities of classmates do not allow paying proper attention to the child prodigy.
  3. Not all schools have the necessary resources and technical means.
  4. In addition, another problem that gifted children may face in general educational institutions is the misunderstanding of peers. In this connection, the child has to adapt to the requirements of the surrounding social group, which can lead either to awareness of its uniqueness, or to reduce it to nothing.
  5. Low achievement of a child with a highly developed intellect. A very common phenomenon due to incorrect teaching methods, lack of an individual approach or overstated requirements.

Of course, a gifted child in the family is a great hope and pride of the parents. However, do not forget that this is, above all, a child who also needs parental care, love and understanding.