Lymphogranulomatosis in children

Unfortunately, oncological diseases, along with adults, are increasingly affecting toddlers of an early age. Such a disease as lymphogranulomatosis in children is not at all easy to diagnose, because the clinical picture is rather blurred. Therefore, parents should be attentive to the health of their child and the slightest suspicion should be the reason for the survey.

After all, as we know, a timely detected disease is a chance for a complete cure. This is especially true for this disease.

Survival after the operation and the course of chemotherapy is 95%, and this is very much, provided that the disease is noticed on time.

Symptoms of lymphogranulomatosis in children

Lymphogranulomatosis is a strong growth and enlargement of lymph nodes that remain painless and do not fuse with the skin and with each other, remaining mobile.

As mentioned earlier, it is not easy to detect this disease, when the lymph nodes located inside the body (mediastinal and abdominal) are affected, and not directly related to the skin (cervical and axillary).

Boys 4-7 years old get sick more often than girls, and it is at this age that the peak incidence falls. Parents may notice that lymph nodes on the neck or at the child's hand have increased, regardless of any catarrhal disease.

Often there is an unreasonable increase in temperature, which passes without treatment after a couple of weeks, and then repeats again. A blood test usually shows a high level of eosinophils , and low white blood cell count. The causes of the appearance of lymphogranulomatosis have not yet been accurately established.

Is lymphogranulomatosis treated?

With timely treatment of this disease, the predictions for complete healing are more than good. At any stage of the development of lymphogranulomatosis, an operation is performed to remove the affected tissues, after which chemotherapy is applied, possibly several courses, depending on the severity of the condition. After this, there are possible, relapses in the next two years, at this time the child is under the supervision of doctors.