Iodophilic flora in the feces of a child

Normally, the kid should not have an iodophilic flora in the feces or its contents should be very small. Just want to note that you should not worry if the child is cheerful, cheerful, has a good appetite and digestion disorders are not observed. As a rule, in the absence of symptoms, doctors, finding iodophilic flora in the feces of a child, do not consider the result of this analysis pathological.

Iodophilic flora in the feces means that the opportunistic pathogenic environment of the intestine (cocci, rods, yeast cells, etc.), which is responsible for the emergence of fermentation processes in the body, began to proliferate. Normally, it should not prevail over useful, and can be observed at a time when the baby eats a lot of fruits and vegetables, as well as foods containing starch or sweets.

What is dangerous iodophilic flora?

If the analysis of feces has been prescribed for certain symptoms: constant bloating, flatulence, loose stools or constipation, and iodophilic flora is found in the results, then this must be taken responsibly. Diseases, which may indicate an increase in the opportunistic pathogen, include:

In addition, iodophilic flora in feces, both in the baby and in the adult child, occurs with increased peristalsis of the large intestine, as well as the appearance of putrefactive dyspepsia in the child.

Treatment with increasing iodophilic medium

The most common reason why iodophilic flora is found in a coprogram in a child is the intestinal dysbiosis. For treatment of infants, the following treatment regimen is used:

Treatment of a dysbacteriosis at detection of iodophilic flora in a feces at the child of the senior age is appointed or nominated under the same scheme: updating of a ration, reception of bacteriophages and probiotics. Starch-containing and sugar-containing foods are removed from the kid's diet, and the consumption of vegetables and fruits is limited.

If iodophilic flora is found in more serious diseases, for example, pancreatitis, then the treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor after appropriate tests and ultrasound of the abdominal organs.