How to pull a splinter in a child?

Children's injuries are an inevitable phenomenon. There was an unpleasant event - your kid drove himself a splinter? You are tormented, thinking about how to painlessly and quickly pull out the discomfort of a child with a discomfort, and your child, for sure, at this time, with his cry thickens the paint. To begin with, calm down, the "surgeon" hands should not tremble. But before the beginning of the "operation" it is worth to assess the situation. If it is small, you can fully handle yourself, but if the splinter in the child has already settled quite deeply and its tip is broken, then it makes sense to go to the doctors and not engage in self-medication.

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So, you are already calm, now it's time to calm the crumbs. Do not show him a "set of sadist", with which you are going to get a splinter. Do not also appeal to the courage of the baby, trying to honestly tell what will hurt. Try to translate this unpleasant procedure into a joke, as much as possible trying to divert the attention of the child from the coming "execution."

The traditional method is to get a foreign body with tweezers and a needle. All tools must be disinfected. Lightly poke the skin around the splinter so that the tip appears outward. It is important that the crumb does not twitch, so hold your finger tightly. Carefully pull out the tweezers with a tweezers, and treat the wound with greenery, alcohol or iodine. It is important that there are no splinters left inside that can snap.

If you are convinced that it is small, you can already think about how a child gets a splinter in the home. Before beginning manipulation, wash thoroughly with soap and hands, then treat the skin around the splinter. One of the methods, how you can pull a splinter without a needle, is extremely simple. Then apply a part of the aloe leaf to the place where the splinter is located. The juice of this plant will perfectly soften the skin. Distract the kid cartoon or favorite toy. Gently tear your skin with tweezers over the splinter, and gently pull it by the tip. After the successful completion of the "operation", you will need to process and seal the wound and if your mother needs - take something soothing.

If it is not deep, there is a great way to get it out a small splinter without torture of the child. Stick to the finger sticky tape or tape and tear it in one movement, as sharp as possible. If everything is done correctly, there is a very high probability that the splinter will remain on the sticky side of the tape from the very first attempt.

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However, it is much better to try to suppress such situations to the maximum, instead of thinking how to painlessly pull out a splinter from a tiny finger. But everything happens in life, and you have to be ready for this. Especially unpleasant are the cases when the child has a splinter deep under his fingernail and there is not the slightest opportunity to pick it up to pull it out. In this case, you need to contact the doctors without delay.