Inhalations with saline solution for children

Inhalations are a long-recognized way to alleviate the course of diseases accompanied by airway damage and speed up the recovery process of a sick child. However, resort to the method is only on the prescription of a doctor or after consulting with him. The fact is that devices for inhalation, as well as preparations for the procedure, are different, and their incorrect use, at best, will simply not have any effect. In this article we will talk about such an inhalation basis as saline, and in general we will explain whether it is possible to do inhalation with saline solution and in what cases.

What gives inhalation with saline solution?

The solution is a mixture of water and table salt. During inhalation, if it is done correctly, the particles of the solution settle on the affected mucous membranes, improving the clearance of all sputum forming during infection. Thus, the child's well-being improves.

Phosphate is also the basis for the dilution of inhalation mixtures. Since medicines and herbs for inhalation to pour boiling water is not recommended, in view of the deterioration of their medicinal properties, it is the physiological solution.

You can buy saline in a pharmacy, because it's inexpensive. Only such a saline solution is sterile.

How to make saline for inhalations?

If you can not get saline, you can make it yourself. Knowing the composition of saline for inhalation, we take 10 g of very small table salt and carefully dissolve it in 1 liter of warm boiled water. It is desirable to filter water before boiling.

Be sure to remember that saline prepared independently is not sterile, and therefore it should be stored in the refrigerator and no more than a day.

Which inhalers should I use for saline solution?

For saline solution fit any type of inhaler, but the effect will also depend on the correctness of their use. For example, saline solution used in a steam inhaler will give an effect only for the upper respiratory tract suffering from diseases. In the lower parts of the solution will not fall, and therefore they recommend the use of nebulizer inhaler . This apparatus sprays the solution, and the latter reaches the lower respiratory tract.

How to apply saline for inhalations?

Inhalations with saline are carried out for children of all ages, including those for newborns.

Before using saline, especially if it was cooked at home, it is heated to the desired temperature. Recall that the temperature of the solution for inhalations during treatment of infants under 3 years can not exceed 30 °, children 3 - 4 years - 40 ° C, and children older than 4 years - 52 ° C.

The frequency of inhalation with saline is 1 to 2 times a day for children up to 2 years. The process lasts 1 to 3 minutes. The same duration of inhalations for children 2 - 6 years, spend them up to 3 times a day.

Children older than 6 years of age make 5 - 10-minute inhalations up to 4 times a day.

The duration and frequency of inhalations with saline solution can vary by physician depending on the disease pattern.

Inhalations with saline solution for dry cough and cough with phlegm

Fizrastvor successfully used in the treatment of various types of cough inhalation. It can be used both in pure form, and with the medicines dissolved in it. The latter, if necessary, is indicated by the doctor. Note that the drugs themselves with a dry or moist cough in the child will differ.

You can add herbs to saline solution. They should be a little more cautious, as they can cause allergy in children or block the passage of some models of inhalers. In this case, a doctor's consultation is mandatory and if the herbs are used, the solution must be carefully filtered.

Inhalation of saline with rhinitis

When treating the cold with saline for inhalations, it can also be used in its pure form, with medicines or with drops of essential oils dissolved in it. What exactly to use, the doctor decides. We only note that with essential oils, one must be extremely cautious. When treating children of small age, it is best not to use them, and with older children, use them only in agreement with a specialist. Some oils during inhalation on mucous respiratory organs can form a film, thereby worsening the process of recovery.