Magnetotherapy - indications and contraindications

Today, agnitotherapy (exposure to magnetic fields) has become quite a popular procedure. And although such therapy is not recognized by scientists as part of official medicine, thanks to it, it is possible to positively influence the whole organism and treat many diseases.

Therapeutic action

Magnetotherapy has several therapeutic effects:

The main advantage of the action of the magnetic field on the human body is the improvement of the general state of the blood vessels and blood circulation. Today, thanks to the treatment with magnetotherapy, it became possible to normalize metabolic processes and accelerate or resume the production of collagen. Like any therapeutic procedure, magnetotherapy has indications and contraindications.

Indications for magnetotherapy

The main indications for magnetotherapy are diseases:

In addition, magnetotherapy is often used in dentistry for the treatment of catarrhal gingivitis, periodontitis, postoperative trauma, inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the maxillofacial side, ulcers of the oral cavity, traumatic injuries of the mucosa in the mouth, etc. It is indicated for the treatment of bronchial asthma, acute pneumonia and the first degree of pulmonary tuberculosis.

The magnetic field can be applied in various fields. So the use of magnetotherapy in gynecology allows treating various chronic and inflammatory processes passing in the appendages of the uterus, such diseases as colpitis and endometritis, algomenorrhea, endocrine and tubal infertility. In addition, this therapeutic procedure is carried out as a prophylaxis and treatment of adhesions of many disorders in the pelvic area.

It is very effective to perform magnetotherapy in osteochondrosis using a permanent or alternating magnetic field using special rubberized magnets that are applied to the affected area. Such medical magnets are called magnetophores. They are superimposed on the restorative and painful points of the back.

The use of magnetotherapy for the treatment of this disease energy that is transmitted through magnetic plates to the patient is much less than with other types of physiotherapy. This means that the risk of damage to cells is much less, and the supply of tissues, on the contrary, is higher. Usually the course of such procedures takes several days, and after it is completed, the patient has obvious improvements and a decrease in pain sensitivity.


Undoubtedly, despite its wide range of useful properties and many fields of application, magnetotherapy also has contraindications, among which:

Do not treat fractures, dermatitis, arthrosis and other diseases by magnetotherapy, if you have an individual intolerance to this physiotherapy.